Wait Time by Module

The Wait Time by Module report shows all the modules, control sections, pseudo-modules, and pseudo-sections in which the target program was found to be in the wait state. The initial sort order is presented with the greatest Wait % firs, allowing you to quickly find the routines which presented the greatest wait.

The presentation uses a tree map method for displaying data.

Report details

  • Pseudo-module and Pseudo-section shows the name of the Strobe pseudo-entity that was active when the sample was taken.

  • Description shows a brief description of the item's function, using Strobe's own descriptions for SVCs and commonly used operating system and subsystem modules. The field also displays any descriptions that the Strobe system programmer has provided for control sections and modules.

  • Wait % is the percentage of time during the measurement session that the address space was in the wait state for any reason, including page retrieval, programmed I/O operations, and timer requests.

  • Module shows the name of the load module that was active when the sample was taken.

  • Section shows the control section name of the code block that was active when the sample was taken.

Note: For all module or section names that exceed eight characters, Strobe generates a token, which is an eight-byte identifier. The token comprises the first four characters of the module or section name followed by a hyphen (-) and then the last three characters of the name. Refer to the Token Long Name Cross Reference report to reconcile all tokens with their long names.

Click next to the Pseudo-module to view the following additional detail:

Was Invoked By

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction.

  • Module shows the name of the load module to which the activity was attributed.

  • Section shows the name of the section to which the activity was attributed.

  • Location shows the location at which the module and section invoked the module.

  • Line and Source Text/Description identifies either the line and source text associated with the program offset, or shows the description of a system program.

  • Return shows the DML command return offset.


  • Module shows the module name of the program directly called by the invoker of the service.

  • Section shows the section name of the program directly called by the invoker of the service.

  • Description shows the description name of the program directly called by the invoker of the service.

  • Wait % is the percentage of time during the measurement session that the address space was in the wait state for any reason, including page retrieval, programmed I/O operations, and timer requests. In some instances where iStrobe cannot attribute all wait percentages to an invoking module, the sum of all invoking module wait percentages may be less than the total wait percentage for the invoked module.

Analysis tips

  • Click an underlined module name to see an expanded description and performance improvement hints.

  • If a system module (for example, CICS, CA-IDMS, DB2, SVCs, or library routines) appears with a high Total % Wait, click icon  to access the Attribution of CPU Wait report to identify the invokers of this activity.

  • To show the location of wait within each module, recreate the Performance Profile and request wait location.

Related Topics

Tree Map Reports