Create Archive Request

The Create Archive Request page allows you to create an archive request.


To create an archive request

Archive Request

  1. In the Name field, enter a name for your archive. This will be appended onto the Base Dataset Name field when the dataset is saved to the mainframe.

  2. In the Description field, enter a description for your Archive.

Target tab

  1. Click the Target tab.

  2. Under Network Traffic, you can select the type of traffic to target:

  • 3270

  • TCP

  • MQ

  1. Under Activity, if you've chosen to target 3270 traffic in your archive, you can further filter the activity being archived by clicking Add. From the Activity Filter dialog box, select an Application, User ID, and Terminal. Click OK.

  2. Under SIEM Data, you can choose to push data to SIEM when an archive dataset switch occurs. You can also choose to send an email notification if the push to SIEM fails and define the SIEM destination once network traffic type is selected.

Datasets tab

  1. Click the Datasets tab.

  2. Under Name (Base Dataset Name), enter a name for the dataset. Archive data is stored in archive datasets. Your user ID will need authority to create datasets under this High Level Qualifier (HLQ). The archive name will be appended to the base dataset name. A sequence number is appended to the base dataset name when each archive segment is created. Each new dataset will be automatically incremented by one uniquely identifying the segment.

    For example, you could enter the following as your archive name.

Name: USER

Base Dataset Name: HLQ.AUDIT

Once submitted, the first dataset below will be created, with the following being created as they are necessary




  1. Under Daily Switch Schedule, you can choose to establish a daily switch schedule. To do so, set the switch to On and establish a start time, end time, and switch interval. You can further choose to apply the schedule to weekdays only by setting that switch as well. When the switch interval is turned off, dataset switching will be performed when the dataset reaches its capacity. A switch can also be performed manually at any time.

  2. Under Archive Dataset Conflicts, determine which action you would like to perform if the dataset exists. You can choose to cancel the archive or delete the dataset.

  3. Under Archive Size, choose a size for the base dataset of either Small, Medium, Large, or Custom.  With Custom, you may choose size by Type, Primary, and Secondary quantities.


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Archive Management

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