Topaz Team Profiles

The Topaz Team Profiles Page allows users to download, view, edit, and delete the contents of Topaz Team Profiles that have been uploaded to CES. Users with the Topaz Team Sharing Profile Administrator or Topaz Team Sharing Profile Exporter security role may also use this page to edit and delete profiles. Users must have Topaz installed to access this feature.

There are two security roles associated with Topaz Team Profiles:

  • Topaz Team Profile Administrator security role allows a user to add, edit, and delete profiles assigned to any groups. Users with the Administrator security role are also able to view all team profiles, regardless of the associated groups.

  • Topaz Team Profile Exporter security role may only export team profiles to groups if they are a member of all the groups to which they are exporting the team profile.

To Export a Topaz Team Profile to CES

Topaz projects are added through Topaz, and cannot be added through CES. Once a Topaz Team Profile is added in Topaz, it will appear automatically in Topaz Team Profiles page for those with permission to view it.


To View or Edit a Topaz Team Profile

  1. From the Topaz Team Profiles page, click the title of the team profile to view or edit.  The profile's specific page opens.

  2. From this page, you can perform the following actions:

  • Change the name of the team profile by typing a new name in the Description text field at the top of the page. The ability to edit the team profile name is only available to those with the necessary privileges.  

  • View the contents of the profile.

  • Change the group with which a team profile is associated by toggling the groups in the Groups section. This section is only visible when security is enabled. Only those users with the necessary privileges can toggle which groups are associated with the team profiles.

  • Download the team profile by clicking .

  • Refresh the team profile by clicking .

  1. Click Apply to save changes and exit the Topaz Team Profiles details page.

 If security is enabled, Topaz Team Profile Administrators may edit all profiles. Topaz Team Profile Exporters, however, may only edit a profile if they are either a member of all groups associated with that profile, or if the profile is not associated with any groups.

 If the user does not meet one of these criteria, the page will be in read-only mode. In read-only mode, both the Description text field and the Group section are disabled and will be unavailable. As well, the Group section’s toggles will be disabled, and the Apply button will not appear.

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