
Users in Fault Analytics are assigned to perform specific tasks. For example, an organization may only want specific users to configure scheduled reports. The administrator can edit the user or report properties and only those users authorized to configure scheduled reports will have the Scheduled Reports button accessible on their window.

Users are controlled in the Fault Analytics Viewer’s navigation under Administration.


The administrator at your site must create users and assign roles via the Viewer.

By default, authorizations are initially set up so that Reports are available to all users. Administration and Scheduled Reports screens are only accessible to users with appropriate roles.

Set Up User Access

  1. Create a new user by selecting Administration in the Fault Viewer.

  2. Click Users icon. The Users windows appears.

  3. Click New. The Create User dialog box appears.

  4. Provide the User Login and Password values.

  5. Click Add Role to add a role appropriate for this user.

    • ROLE_ADMIN: User can perform all administrative functions.

    • ROLE_SCHEDULER: User can configure Scheduled Reports.

  6. Click Apply to add user.

See Also

Navigating the Viewer