Usage Statistics

The Usage Statistics report enables administrators to track how much and by whom iStrobe is used.

To generate and view iStrobe usage statistics:

  1. From iStrobe, click the About button, then click the Statistics button.

  2. From the Summary tab, specify a date range for which you would like to see statistics, then click Refresh.

  3. Click the tabs to view usage:

  • By User: Which users accessed Strobe, which Performance Profiles they accessed, and which reports they viewed.

  • By Activities: You can view usage by Profile Reports, Insight Reports, Measurement Requests, Profile Actions, Online Help Accesses.

Users are identified:

  • By user name, if they provided a name in the iStrobe Preferences window.

  • By workstation IP address, if they did not provide a name.

The count of times viewed increases whenever a user changes the appearance of a report window, for example, when changing a report threshold, even within the same iStrobe session.

To modify how iStrobe captures usage statistics, edit the parameters in the file This file resides in the location from which iStrobe is deployed.

  • stats.log.enabled={yes | no} Whether iStrobe collects statistics.

  •{default|<logpath>} Where log is stored. The default is the logs subdirectory of the location of iStrobe, for example \webapps\istrobe\logs. The file is named stats.log.

  • stats.log.roll.period={MN | WK |DY | HR | MI} Determines how often the log contents are backed up to an archive file and begun again.

  • MN monthly

  • WK weekly (default)

  • DY daily

  • HR hourly

  • MI every minute

For example, stats.log.DY.2004-03-16 contains the usage statistics for March 16 2004.

To export usage statistics:

The Export function allows you to extract customer usage data to a .csv file based on the date range specified on the Summary tab.

  1. From the Summary tab, specify a date range for which you would like to see statistics, and then click Export.

  2. From the Export VIP usage file dialog box, enter the following:

    • Name of the .csv file to export VIP usage data to: Type a name for the .csv file.

    • Encryption Key: This field is optional. When used, it will encrypt data in the User Name column and the Profile column. The encryption key must be limited to no more than 24 characters. The encryption algorithm used is the Data Encryption Standard algorithm, an industry standard.

  1. Click OK. The .csv file is created and downloaded.