CPU Usage by Natural Program

The CPU Usage by NATURAL Program report shows which NATURAL 4GL programs are responsible for CPU activity, and shows the distribution of CPU activity among the statements that make up the NATURAL 4GL programs.

Report details

  • Program shows the NATURAL 4GL program name or .NATURAL. (.NATURAL is the Strobe pseudo-section that represents any execution Strobe detected in the NATURAL nucleus that cannot be assigned to a NATURAL 4GL program.)

  • Library shows the NATURAL program library name. (For INCLUDEd copycode, the report displays the .INCLUDE library pseudo-name.)

  • DBID shows the ADABAS database ID for the NATURAL Program Library.

  • FNR shows the ADABAS file number for the NATURAL program library.

  • Release compiled shows the NATURAL version number under which the program was compiled.

  • BP name shows the name of the global buffer pool, if the name exists. If a local buffer pool is being used, the value is *LOCAL*.

  • TRANID shows, for NATURAL programs running under CICS, the name of the CICS transaction under which the NATURAL nucleus executed.

  • Total % CPU shows the total percentage of CPU usage consumed by the program with or without any concurrent I/O activity.

Click next to the Program to view additional detail.

In the NATURAL program statement section:

  • Number shows the NATURAL 4GL statement number or the Strobe pseudo-activity .OPTZ. .OPTZ is pseudo-activity that represents activity in an optimized NATURAL 4GL program that cannot be assigned to a specific NATURAL statement number.

The iconarrow to the left of the statement number indicates that you can decompose the statement to view included code detail. Included code statement numbers appear with an appended asterisk and a number showing the nesting level.

If the report was indexed, Text shows the NATURAL 4GL statement text. Included code starts with the label "INCLUDE". Statement text appears for only the first level of included code.

In the DL/I section:

  • Resource shows the named of the IMS resource used to execute the DL/I request. The type of resource depends on the PCB type, as follows:

    • for Database PCBs, the resource is the Database Descriptor (DBD) name

    • for I/O PCBs, the resource is blank

    • for ALTERNATE PCBs, the resource is MODIFY for modifiable alternate PCBs, or the name of the fixed destination for non-modifiable alternate PCBs

Click to view details about this resource in the IMS Activity by DL/I Request report.

  • Function identifies the DL/I function being requested.  [MORE]

In the SQL section:

  • Stmt shows the number of the Db2 statement used to execute the request.  Click to view the SQL Statement Analysis report for this statement.

  • Query shows the Db2 query associated with the statement.

  • CPU % Total shows the percentage of CPU time spent in the executed system routine on behalf of the executed routine as a percentage of all CPU time used by programs executed in the measured job step.

Click next to the NATURAL program statement number, if available, to view details about the system services invoked by the statement.  [MORE]