Threads Report

The Threads report shows the threads seen by the agent and the time and percentage each thread was in each state. It shows the following information for the chosen measurement:

  • Thread Name: The name of the thread.

  • Thread Group Name: The name of the group to which the thread belongs if it belongs to a group.

  • Thread Type: Specifies whether the thread is a Daemon thread or an active thread. Valid values are Daemon and Live.

  • State of the thread: The state of the thread during the measurement. Since the state can change during the measurement, the thread state can be one or more of the following:

  • Runnable: The thread is able to run when given the chance.

  • Waiting: A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to perform a particular action is in this state.

  • Timed Waiting: A thread that is waiting for another thread to perform an action for up to a specified waiting time is in this state.

  • Suspended: The thread has been suspended by another thread.

  • Blocked: The thread is waiting to obtain a lock that something else currently owns.

  • Zombie: The thread has been killed.

  • Total Thread Time: The total amount of time this thread was observed in any of the states.

To use the Threads report

  1. Do one of the following:

    • On the JVM Information page, click a node in the Threads chart.

    • Click , then select Reports>Threads.

    The Threads report appears. By default, the table shows the time and percent for each thread state.

  2. Select or clear the Include Topaz for Java Performance data check box to include or exclude Topaz for Java Performance collection data from the Threads report. By default, this information is excluded. If changes are made to this setting, the report is automatically rerun and the report is refreshed.

  3. Optionally, to change the thread states to display differently, select any of the following from the Show in a Thread State dropdown list:

    • Time and Percent (default)

    • Time

    • Percent

    The table refreshes to reflect the selection.