
Attribution reports identify invocation sites of the system service routines that were  responsible for CPU usage and CPU Wait.

The presentation uses a tree map method for displaying data.

CPU Usage Report details

Invoked Service

  • Pseudo-Module shows the Strobe pseudo-module name of the invoked activity.

  • Module shows the name of the load module in which the actual activity occurred.

  • Section shows the name of the section in which the actual activity occurred.

Note: For all module or section names that exceed eight characters, Strobe generates a token, which is an eight-byte identifier. The token comprises the first four characters of the module or section name followed by a hyphen (-) and then the last three characters of the name. To determine the long name from which a token was derived, see the Token Longname report.

  • Description shows a short description of the function of the control section or pseudo-section, or of the module or pseudo-module. Function descriptions appear for all pseudo-sections and pseudo-modules, and, if your Strobe system programmer has supplied them, for other control sections and modules as well.

  • CPU % Execution shows the percentage of CPU time spent in the invoked system routine on behalf of the invoking routine as a percentage of all CPU time used by programs executed in the measured job step.

Click next to the Pseudo-module to view the following additional detail:

Was Invoked By

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction.

  • Module shows the name of the load module to which the activity occurred.

  • Section shows the name of the section to which the activity occurred.

  • Location shows the program offset, in hexadecimal, to which activity was attributed.

  • Line and Source Text/Description identifies either the line and source text associated with the program offset, or shows the description of a system program.


  • Module shows the module name of the program directly called by the invoker of the service.

  • Section shows the section name of the program directly called by the invoker of the service.

  • Description shows the description name of the program directly called by the invoker of the service.

Click next to a transaction to view the following additional detail:

  • Line number identifies the specific line number of the source statement associated with the location of the coll within the invoker.

  • Source listing text of invoking statement provides the complete source statement even when spanning multiple lines.

For Db2, the report shows the following information about SQL statements:

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction that invoked this service. A value of NOTRAN signifies that no transaction was responsible for the service.

  • Query shows the name of the Db2 Query that invoked the service module.

Note: Attribution of Db2 activity caused by a SQL statement executing from a Java application will identify a Java method as the invoker.

For Packages, DML, and SVCs:

  • Stmt, Seq number, Line number, and Procedure/Description: line number of the invoking site, procedure name of the procedure at the invoking site.

For CA-IDMS, the report shows the following information about DML statements:

  • Stmt shows the statement number.

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction.

  • Dialog shows the name of the CA-IDMS dialog that invoked the serviced module.

  • Location shows the offset of the statements invoking activity in CA-IDMS overhead routines, if the program was not compiled with the DEBUG DML compiler option.

  • Process name shows the name of the process.

  • Program shows the name of the external run unit.

  • Function shows the function of the run unit.

  • Return shows the DML command return offset.

  • Seq number shows the DML sequence number of the run unit invoking activity in CA-IDMS overhead routines, if the program was compiled with the DEBUG DML compiler option.

  • Version shows the version number of the control section or module.

For Natural statement attribution the report shows the following information:

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction.

  • Include name shows the label of the included code.

  • Stmt shows the NATURAL statement number

  • Library shows the NATURAL program library name

  • DBID shows the NATURAL program library database ID

  • FNR shows the file number for the NATURAL program library


CPU Wait Report Details

Invoked Service

    • Pseudo-module shows the Strobe pseudo-module name of the invoked activity.

    • Module shows the name of the load module in which the actual activity occurred.

    • Section shows the name of the section in which the actual activity occurred.

Note: For all module or section names that exceed eight characters, Strobe generates a token, which is an eight-byte identifier. The token comprises the first four characters of the module or section name followed by a hyphen (-) and then the last three characters of the name. To determine the long name from which a token was derived, see the Token Longname report.

  • Description shows a short description of the function of the control section or pseudo-section, or of the module or pseudo-module. Function descriptions appear for all pseudo-sections and pseudo-modules, and, if your Strobe system programmer has supplied them, for other control sections and modules as well.

  • Wait % Page shows the percentage of page wait time spent in the invoked system routine on behalf of the invoking routine as a percentage of all page wait time used by programs executed in the measured job step.

  • Wait % Total shows the percentage of wait time spent in the invoked system routine on behalf of the invoking routine as a percentage of all wait time used by programs executed in the measured job step.

Click next to the Pseudo-module to view the following additional detail:

Was Invoked By

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction.

  • Module shows the name of the load module to which the activity occurred.

  • Section shows the name of the section to which the activity occurred.

  • Return shows the DML command return offset.

  • Line and source text/Description identifies either the line and source text associated with the program offset, or shows the description of a system program.


  • Module shows the module name of the program directly called by the invoker of the service.

  • Section shows the section name of the program directly called by the invoker of the service.

  • Description shows the description name of the program directly called by the invoker of the service.

Click next to a transaction to view the following additional detail:

  • Line number identifies the specific line number of the source statement associated with the location of the coll within the invoker.

  • Source listing text of invoking statement provides the complete source statement even when spanning multiple lines.

For Db2, the report shows the following information about SQL statements:

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction that invoked this service. A value of NOTRAN signifies that no transaction was responsible for the service.

  •  Query shows the name of the Db2 Query that invoked the service module.

Note: Attribution of Db2 wait caused by a SQL statement executing from a Java application will identify a Java method as the invoker.

For Packages, DML, and SVCs:

  • Stmt, Seq number, Line number, and Procedure/Description: line number of the invoking site, procedure name of the procedure at the invoking site.

For CA-IDMS, the report identifies invocation sites of the CA-IDMS service routines responsible for CPU usage.

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction.

  • Dialog shows the name of the CA-IDMS dialog that invoked the serviced module.

  • Location shows the offset of the statements invoking activity in CA-IDMS overhead routines, if the program was not compiled with the DEBUG DML compiler option.

  • Process name shows the name of the process.

  • Version shows the version number of the control section or module.

  • Program shows the name of the external run unit.

  • Function shows the function of the run unit.

  • Return shows the DML command return offset.

  • Seq# shows the DML sequence number of the run unit invoking activity in CA-IDMS overhead routines, if the program was compiled with the DEBUG DML compiler option.

  • Version shows the version number of the control section or module.

For Natural statement attribution:

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction.

  • Include name shows the label of the included code.

  • Stmt shows the NATURAL statement number

  • Library shows the NATURAL program library name

  • DBID shows the NATURAL program library database ID

  • FNR shows the file number for the NATURAL program library

Analysis tips

Click an underlined module name to see an expanded description and performance improvement hints.

Related Topics

Tree Map Reports