If your task is waiting on resource type FCBFWAIT, it means that a VSAM buffer is not currently available. You can specify the number of VSAM data buffers and VSAM index buffers in the FILE resource definition using the DATABUFFERS and INDEXBUFFERS parameters, respectively.

Consider increasing the numbers of these buffers if you find that tasks are frequently having to wait on this resource type.

If there are insufficient data and index buffers for a single task, the task is suspended indefinitely. This might happen unexpectedly if you have a base cluster and one or more paths in the upgrade set, and your application references only the base. VSAM upgrades the paths whenever changes are made to the base. There could then be too few buffers defined in the LSRPOOL for both base and paths.

Waiting on this resource can occur only for files accessed in non-RLS mode.