Maximum task condition waits

Tasks can fail to run if either of the following limits is reached:

  • MXT (maximum tasks in CICS system)

  •  MAXACTIVE (maximum tasks in transaction class)

If a task is waiting for entry into the MXT set of transactions, the resource type is MXT, and the resource name is XM_HELD. If a task is waiting for entry into the MAXACTIVE set of transactions for a TCLASS, the resource type is TCLASS, and the resource name is the name of the TCLASS that the task is waiting for.

If a task is shown to be waiting on resource type MXT, it is being held by the transaction manager because the CICS system is at the MXT limit. The task has not yet been attached to the dispatcher.

The limit that has been reached, MXT, is given explicitly as the resource name for the wait. If this type of wait occurs too often, consider changing the MXT limit for your CICS system.