TIRPROF is an CA Gen runtime module which supports the RPROF table, also known as the Profile Database. The RPROF table passes information between executions of procedure steps. It emulates temp storage in a CICS environment or the SPA in an IMS/DC environment.

Information passed along a dialog flow is passed via the RPROF table. For example, when an online PrAD links to another online PrAD, the export views of the first PrAD are temporarily stored in the RPROF table before being passed to the second PrAD as import views.

Information is saved in the RPROF table in the following situations:

  • during a transfer or link on a dialog flow

  • when using implicit scrolling

  • when retaining the values of a hidden field

  • when processing HELP and PROMPT requests

  • when an application is generated as restartable.

The RPROF data is managed via the dialog manager program. CA Gen action diagrams cannot access the RPROF table directly.

TIRPROF execution and management of the RPROF table can degrade performance and cause data contention.


To reduce TIRPROF processing:

  • in a CICS environment, use temp storage instead of the RPROF table by changing the target environment parameters in CA Gen to use TSQ

  • avoid the situations in which information is saved in the RPROF table, as listed above

  • reduce the size of the PrAD total export view size.