If your task is waiting on resource type FCDWWAIT, it has received a VSAM response which might indicate that your task is trying to read a record via a VSAM path while this record is being updated by another request. This other request is updating the record either via the base or via another path. If VSAM has not yet completed the update, the content of the alternate index currently in use is no longer the same as the content of the base data set.

This is a transient condition. CICS waits for all current update operations for this VSAM data set to complete and retries the request once only. If the error continues after the request is retried, CICS assumes that there is a genuine error and returns a response of ILLOGIC to the application. Since ILLOGIC is a response to all unexpected VSAM errors, CICS also returns the VSAM response and reason codes (X'0890') in bytes 2 and 3 of EIBRCODE. These identify the cause of the ILLOGIC response.

Waiting on this resource can occur only for files accessed in non-RLS mode.