View a Profile

A Profile can be viewed using two methods:

  • Via a system-generated e-mail that notifies you when a requested profile has been downloaded.

Note: When a profile is downloaded, an e-mail is sent to the user address entered in Strobe’s SMTP Email Notification Address field on the iStrobe Performance Profile Options panel. Refer to the Strobe MVS User’s Guide for details.

  • Select a profile from those listed within the myStrobe window. Users can select and view individual profiles.

To view a Profile via email link

If you have requested via Strobe that a download notification e-mail be sent when a profile has been downloaded, the profile can be viewed by clicking the link in the e-mail you receive. iStrobe launches and, by default, displays as a Strobe Advisor report for the given profile.


To view a Profile from myStrobe

Click on the hyperlinked name of a profile in the Profile Name column of the myStrobe window. By default, the first report to display is the Strobe Advisor. Begin performance analysis by viewing relevant reports for the profile in the report window. The myStrobe window allows you to sort profiles by column.

To view a Profile from myStrobe in a new tab

From myStrobe, right-click on a profile in the Profile Name column and then click View>Profile in new tab.  The profile opens in a new tab.


Related Topics:

Working with myStrobe

Create, Import, and Export Profiles

Compare Profiles

Filter the List of Profiles

Manage Profile Notes

Delete a Profile