IDA019RF is a CSECT within load module IDA091L1. It is invoked through module IDA019RE to perform control area splits.

Control area (CA) splits occur in VSAM KSDS and variable length RRDS files when there is not a free control interval within the CA to accommodate a control interval (CI) split.

IDA019RF moves some of a control area's control intervals into a free space control area.


Control area splits are sometimes a performance concern since they require additional I/O operations and use additional CPU resources. If I0DA019RF uses a large amount of CPU time, check the Data Set Characteristics report to determine the number of splits that occurred during the measurement session. Allocating additional free space in each CA (in the IDCAMS DEFINE) can reduce the number of splits that occur. Users should analyze the free space distribution and free space utilization to see if reorganizing the file can help.

Reference Sources

MVS/Extended Architecture: Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Logic, LY26- 3970.