A task is forced to wait on TSAUX if it has made an unconditional request for temporary storage, and the request cannot be met because insufficient auxiliary storage is available. The task has issued an EXEC CICS WRITEQ TS command, with or without the REWRITE option, but without specifying NOSUSPEND and without any code to handle the NOSPACE condition. If SPURGE(YES) is defined for the task on the CEDA DEFINE TRANSACTION command, and a deadlock time-out interval other than 0 has been specified, the task is purged when that time expires. Otherwise, it is not purged, and is liable to be suspended indefinitely.

A task that makes a conditional temporary storage WRITEQ TS request (NOSUSPEND specified) is not suspended if the request cannot be met. Instead, if the required auxiliary storage is not available, an exception response is returned to it. (There might still be a suspension for another reason--for example, the temporary storage program itself might become suspended after issuing a GETMAIN, if CICS went short on storage.)

These are the two most likely reasons why a task that has issued an unconditional WRITEQ TS request might be suspended on resource type TSAUX:

  1.  The task has issued a request requiring too large a piece of temporary storage.

  2. The task has issued a request requiring a reasonable amount of temporary storage, but there is too little available. This could indicate that the amount of auxiliary storage is becoming exhausted. Otherwise, it could be that there is quite a large amount of auxiliary storage left, but the storage is too fragmented for the request to be satisfied.

The first step is to get a CICS system dump, and format it using the formatting keyword TS to show the temporary storage control blocks. Include formatting keywords SM and KE, too, as you might need to refer to the summaries for these two components as well. The way you analyze the dump to investigate the cause of the problem is described in the sections that follow.

Was the request for too much temporary storage?

To find out if the suspended task has issued a request for too much temporary storage, you need to look in the temporary storage suspend queue summary. This give, among other things, the number of bytes requested by every task that has been suspended because its request for storage cannot be met. You can see whether any of them has made a request requiring an unreasonably large amount of temporary storage.

If the suspended task has made a reasonable request for temporary storage, you need to see if temporary storage is close to being exhausted.

Is temporary storage close to being exhausted?

It could be that your task has made a reasonable request for temporary storage, but the amount of unallocated space is close to exhaustion.

To see if this could be the cause of the wait, look at the temporary storage summary in the formatted dump. If the current free space is very small, this is likely to be the reason why the task cannot obtain its requested temporary storage. In such a case, consider defining secondary extents for the data set.

Look also at the temporary storage request summary. If the task has made an unusually large number of WRITEQ TS requests, it could be looping. A looping task might be issuing WRITE TS requests repetitively, each for a reasonable amount of storage, but collectively for a very large amount. If you find evidence for a looping task, see "dealing with loops" in your CICS Problem Determination Guide.

If your task has made a reasonable request and the system seems to have sufficient unallocated temporary storage, you next need to see if fragmentation of unallocated storage is causing the WRITE TS request to fail.

Is fragmentation of unallocated storage causing the WRITEQ TS request to fail?

You can tell whether fragmentation of unallocated temporary storage is causing the WRITE TS to fail by looking at the temporary storage summary in the dump.

The following fields in the summary are of interest should your task be suspended on resource type TSAUX:

  • Number of control intervals in data set:

  • Number of control intervals currently in use:

  • Available bytes per CI:

For control intervals of 4K, the available bytes per CI figure is 4032.

If your task is attempting to write a record that is smaller than or equal to the available bytes per CI figure (including its record header which is 28 bytes long), this means that no control interval has the required amount of contiguous space to satisfy the request.

If your task is attempting to write a record that is longer than the available bytes per CI figure, CICS splits the record into sections of a length equal to this figure. CICS then attempts to store each section in a completely empty control interval, and any remaining part of the record in a control interval with the contiguous space to accommodate it. If your task is waiting on resource type TSAUX after having attempted to write a record longer than the available bytes for CI figure, either of the following has occurred:

  • There are not enough available completely empty control intervals to accommodate all the sections

      (CIs in data set - CIs in use) < (record length/available bytes per CI)

  • No control interval has enough contiguous space to accommodate the remainder