Get a License

You will need a valid license for your system user ID. This is the user ID you use to log on to your computer. If you don’t know your user ID, you can find it from either a command prompt or a terminal.

  • In Windows, open a command prompt and type set username.

  • In Linux or OSX, open a terminal and type the command whoami.

To license your user ID:

  1. Open a browser with the URL for your Functional Test server installation.

  2. If your server has been setup with Active Directory integration, use your Windows credentials to login and you will automatically get a license if your user ID has been setup with the correct authorizations. If this is the case, skip the rest of the steps.

  3. If Active Directory integration has not been setup, then click the Register user and enter your user ID and additional information and submit the form. You also need to enter the Host user ID which is the user ID you will use to access the host. You will now have your user ID registered but not enabled with a license.

  4. Ask the administrator of Topaz for Total Test to setup a Compuware Enterprise Services (CES) license URL in the server configuration. As soon as you are licensed, you can start using Functional Test by providing your username and a password when asked for it. If the administrator created your username, then your password is by default 123456 and you should change it after your first login.