Module DFSDLAS0 is the DL/I Call SSA Analyzer and Processor. It is invoked by module DFSCPY30 after each part of each SSA is moved from the dependent region to the IMS area. DFSDLAS0 can be invoked several times for an SSA until all of the SSA has been copied.

After the SSA has been fully copied, DFSDLAS0 analyzes and validates all of the parameters. It then translates the SSA into an internal format that the DL/I action modules can use.


Module DFSDLAS0, like module DFSDLA00, can use significant CPU in a heavy IMS call environment. Using fewer and less complicated SSAs will reduce CPU use by this module, but the functionality of the program still comes first. As with all of the DL/I modules, an efficient calling pattern is the best way to improve performance.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS DBSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.