Issue Tracking Settings

The Issue Tracking Settings page allows an administrator to configure integration between Compuware’s products and Atlassian's JIRA issue tracking system.  This integration can be leveraged from Abend-AID web viewer or iStrobe to log issues directly in JIRA from the Submit Fix Request page.

The integration enables the rich issue recreation and debugging information to be stored in JIRA, which can then be used to track the issue and assign it to an application development team for resolution. Users of Topaz Workbench can access the JIRA and import the Fix Request attachment to automatically configure a debugging session to recreate and fix the issue.

From the Issue Tracking Settings page, you can add, edit, or remove configuration settings.


To add an Issue Tracking configuration

  1. From the Issue Tracking Settings page, click Add. The Location & Credentials step appears.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the issue. This is used as an identifier in iStrobe.

    • In the Type field, select the type of issue tracking system being used. Currently, JIRA is the only tracking system supported by Compuware Enterprise Services.

    • In the Server field, enter the location of the server on which the issue tracking system resides.

    • In the User Name field, enter your user name. You must have authority to create JIRA issues.

    • In the Password field, enter the password associated with your user name.

  1. Click Next.  The Project Information step appears.

  2. Choose the appropriate project information for the selected issue tracking system.

    • In the Project field, select a project from the list.

    • In the Issue Type field, select an issue type from the list.

  1. Click Next.  The Field Mappings step appears. The Field Mappings step identifies those fields within the issue tracking system.

  2. Select appropriate values for each of the fields. These fields will vary and correspond specifically with those in the selected issue tracking system.

  3. Click Finish. The issue tracking configuration is added to the list of configurations.

To edit an Issue Tracking configuration

  1. From the Issue Tracking Settings page, point to an issue tracking configuration and click on it. The configuration is selected.

  2. Click Edit. The Location & Credentials step appears. Change the fields as needed.

  3. Click Next to advance through the steps, changing content of fields within those steps as needed.

  4. Click Finish. The issue tracking configuration is edited and saved within the list of configurations.

To remove an Issue Tracking configuration

  1. From the Issue Tracking Settings page, point to an issue tracking configuration and click on it. The configuration is selected.

  2. Click Remove. The issue tracking configuration is removed from the list of configurations.

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