Host Connection Login

Host Connection Login allows you to establish or change host connections within iStrobe to one of those connections defined in CES.

The Host Connection Login fields include:

  • Host connections – Select a host connection from the drop down menu. The connections listed include those which were created in CES.

  • Authentication – Select an authentication method from the drop down. Possible values include:

  • User/ID Password – Always valid. With this selected, both the User name and Password fields are enabled. In User name, enter the name of the user. In Password, enter the password of the user.

  • Passticket – Present only when CES is installed on USS. With this selected, only the User name is enabled.

  • Smartcard – Present only when iStrobe is configured for Smartcard authentication. With this selected, both the User name and Password fields are disabled.

  • User name – Enter the user name.

  • Password – Enter the password for the user name.

For Smartcard authentication, CES passes the user's X.509 certificate used to authenticate with iStrobe to the HCI.  The HCI attempts to log into RACF using the certificate.  RACF must be set up to recognize the certificate and associate it with a specific TSO account.

Passticket authentication is currently only available when CES is installed on USS. The ID used to run CES must be authorized to call the R_ticketserv callable service (IRRSPK00).

When Passticket authentication is used, the user ID and an Application ID (APPLID) are passed to the R_ticketserv service to generate the passticket. The Passticket generated is then passed to the HCI as the password, along with the User ID, to log on. The user ID must also be set up to permit authentication via a passticket for the APPLID.

By default, the APPLID is “ISTROBE”.  This can be changed by setting the property istrobe.passticket.applid in the parmlib member CESEMN. The APPLID must be the job name of the HCI used by iStrobe to connect to the mainframe.