

To add a project:

  1. From the Projects window, click Add. The Project dialog box appears.

  2. Enter or modify the following fields:

  • Name: Select a name for the project.

  • Cost set: Click the Cost set arrow to select a cost set. The cost sets are predefined. To create a cost set, refer to Cost Sets.

  • Description: Type a brief description for your project.

  • Subsystem: Type a comment.

  1. Click OK. The project is added to the table.

To edit a project:

  1. From the Projects window, select the project to be edited by clicking it.

  2. With the project selected, click Edit.

  3. Modify the content of the fields as needed.

  4. Click OK. The project is modified.

To delete a project:

  1. From the Projects window, select the project to be deleted by clicking it.

  2. With the project selected, click Delete.

  3. If you are sure you would like to delete all selected data, click Yes. The project is deleted from the table.

To view project reports:

  1. From the Projects window, place the mouse cursor over a project and right-click to reveal a menu of reports available.

  2. Select a report from the menu list by clicking on it.


Related Topics

Performance Tracker

Cost Sets