SVC 042

SVC 042 is a Type 2 SVC issued by the ATTACH macro. This macro gets a LOCAL lock and call the load module IEAVEAT0.

ATTACH processing allows a subtask to be attached to a problem program or a system program. It creates a new TCB that represents a subtask of the original task. It then fills in control information in the new TCB and places it on the TCB queue.


Generally, ATTACH is used to run a significant unit of work asynchronously. If processing in SVC 042 is high, the amount of work done by the spawned task is small relative to the overhead involved in creating the task. Use the attribution reports to find where the ATTACH is issued, and see if the work can be done without a separate task.

Reference Sources

IBM z/OS MVS Diagnosis Reference

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Assembler Services Guide

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Assembler Services Reference Vol. 1

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Guide

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Reference Vol. 1