If a task is suspended with a resource type of RMUOWOBJ and a resource name of LOGMOVE, the recovery manager is trying to log data for a unit of work while an activty keypoint which is moving the UOW's log data is in progress. The suspended task should be resumed when the activity keypoint task completes the move of the UOW's log data.

If a task remains suspended for a long time with a resource type of RMUOWOBJ and a resource name of LOGMOVE, try to discover why the activity keypoint task (CSKP) is not completing.

If a task is suspended with a resource type of RMUOWOBJ and a resource name of EXISTENC, the recovery manager is trying to delete a unit of work while an activity keypoint is in progress. The suspended task should be resumed when the activity keypoint task finishes working with the UOW.

If a task remains suspended for a long time with a resource type of RMUOWOBJ and a resource name of EXISTENC, try to discover why the activity keypoint task (CSKP) is not completing.