Common Jobs Rolling 4-Hour Average

The Common Jobs Rolling 4-Hour Average report analyzes up to three peak rolling four hour average periods, allowing the user to see the jobs that are common to those time frames. The periods are specified in months with times measured in minutes.

  • Period (1) (2) (3) specifies the time periods by month for the job, chosen from three one-month time periods. The time periods do not have to be consecutive. Within each of those periods, select the specific time and day at which the rolling four hour average was the highest in that month. If there is a tie for the highest rolling four hour average at multiple times within a period, only one of those times will be displayed. The report then displays information for jobs that ran during at least two of the three different time periods displayed.

  • Job Name identifies the job.

  • Number of Observations identifies the number of times the job was seen.

  • Total CPU Time is the total CPU execution time on a central processor for the job. This is task mode time.

  • Total zAAP Time is the total execution seen on a zAAP specialty processor.

  • Total zIIP Time is the total execution seen on a zIIP specialty processor (this is SRB enclave time).

  • Eligible zAAP Time is the CPU time that was eligible to run on a zAAP specialty processor, but ran on a central processor.

  • Eligible zIIP Time is the CPU time that was eligible to run on a zIIP specialty processor, but ran on a central processor.

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Rolling 4-Hour Average

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