Rule Example

Company ABC  has many support groups. Each group is responsible for supporting different critical applications within the company. Whenever a critical application goes down, the group responsible wants to know immediately. Through Fault Analytics rules processing, sending a notification to the responsible group can be easily accomplished.

  1. Define e-mail distribution lists for each group.  Provide a distribution list name and add the e-mail addresses of those responsible in the group.

  2. Define an e-mail template. One of the existing templates can be used or edited to better suit specific needs, or a new template can be created.

  3. Define rules to e-mail distribution lists. Create a new event rule by typing the rule information, which includes the name, the event condition criteria, and action to take for the different situations.  For example:

"If ProgramName equals PROG1 then send e-mail to distribution list GROUP1 using template GROUP1_TEMPLATE", or "If SystemID equals SYS2,  then send e-mail to distribution list GROUP2 using template GROUP2_TEMPLATE"

Once completed, events automatically take the appropriate action based on the defined rule action if the condition criteria are met. From the example above, an e-mail can be sent to GROUP1 if the event program name is PROG1, or an e-mail can be sent to GROUP2, if the event occurs on system SYS2.