The program request handler invokes DFSZSC00 to process IMS extended checkpoint calls. An extended checkpoint call is a checkpoint call (CHKP) that begins with an extended restart (XRST) call.

DFSZSC00 logs database positioning, including GSAM, and user data areas in type x'18' log records. It scans each database and GSAM PCB in the PSB to see if there is a position to log. Then it logs up to seven user areas passed in the CHKP.


The amount of CPU used by DFSZSC00 (and the amount of data written to the IMS log) depends on the checkpoint frequency, the number of database and GSAM PCBs to scan and log, and the number and size of the user data areas to log.

Checkpoint frequency depends on the application, but it is possible to take checkpoints too frequently and use unnecessary resources. If this is a BMP job and checkpoints are taken to free resources and commit databases, and not for restart purposes, then use the SYNC call instead of the CHKP call. The SYNC call provides all of the database integrity with much less overhead than the CHKP calls. Type x'18' log records are not created and application checkpoint messages are not sent to the MVS system log.

The number of PCBs and user data areas also depends on the application. Monitor them to ensure they are being used efficiently.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS SVSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.