DFSTOPR0 is the IMS I/O Toleration main processor. I/O toleration is invoked in the case of IMS database (OSAM or VSAM) read or write errors. IMS saves information about the blocks in error in control blocks called EEQEs. The EEQEs maintain information about the error blocks across IMS restarts, or in the event of an XRF takeover.

DFSTOPR0 locates, creates, and deletes EEQEs, and performs other EEQE and I/O Toleration activity. It is also invoked for miscellaneous activities such as database close and data set usage indicator (DUI) processing.


Any CPU activity in module DFSTOPR0 should be minimal and should not be a performance factor.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS DBSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.