CPU Usage by Subsystem View

CPU Usage by Subsystem View is a pivot table with CPU broken out by sub-system of the Program CPU Usage data. The list of data view fields and definitions includes the following:




The name of the profile.


The timestamp when the Strobe measurement was started.


The path of the folder where the profile is located.


The name of the folder where the profile is located.


The full path where the profile is located.


The name of the job under which the target program or subsystem was executed.


The name of the job step, or of the procedure step and job step, in which the program or subsystem was executed.


The procedure step name of the active procedure.


The amount of time during the measurement session that one or more CPUs were executing tasks in the measured job step, exclusive of Strobe itself, expressed in minutes and seconds to the nearest hundredth.


The amount of run time during the measurement session that one or more CPUs were executing tasks in the measured job step, exclusive of the measurement task itself, expressed in minutes and seconds to the nearest hundredth.


The portion of run time during which no task within the measured address space was able to make use of the CPU time available to it.

AVERAGE_CICS_CPU_TIME The average CPU time consumed by the CICS System Modules.  These modules appear under the .CICS pseudo-section in the iStrobe Program CPU Usage report.
AVERAGE_DB2_CPU_TIME The average Db2 time consumed by the CICS System Modules.  These modules appear under the .DB2 pseudo-section in the iStrobe Program CPU Usage report.
AVERAGE_IMS_CPU_TIME The average IMS time consumed by the CICS System Modules.  These modules appear under the .IMS pseudo-section in the iStrobe Program CPU Usage report.
AVERAGE_LE_CPU_TIME The average CPU time consumed by LE Subroutines.  These modules appear under the .LE pseudo-section in the iStrobe Program CPU Usage report.
AVERAGE_COBOL_CPU_TIME The average CPU time consumed by COBOL Subroutines.  These modules appear under the .COBOL pseudo-section in the iStrobe Program CPU Usage report.
AVERAGE_ADABAS_CPU_TIME The average ADABAS time consumed by the CICS System Modules.  These modules appear under the .CICS pseudo-section in the iStrobe Program CPU Usage report.
AVERAGE_JAVA_CPU_TIME The average JAVA time consumed by the CICS System Modules.  These modules appear under the .CICS pseudo-section in the iStrobe Program CPU Usage report.
AVERAGE_MQ_CPU_TIME The average MQ time consumed by the CICS System Modules.  These modules appear under the .CICS pseudo-section in the iStrobe Program CPU Usage report.
AVERAGE_NATURAL_CPU_TIME The average NATURAL time consumed by the CICS System Modules.  These modules appear under the .CICS pseudo-section in the iStrobe Program CPU Usage report.
AVERAGE_IDMS_CPU_TIME The average IDMS time consumed by the CICS System Modules.  These modules appear under the .CICS pseudo-section in the iStrobe Program CPU Usage report.
AVERAGE_OTHER_CPU_TIME The average CPU time consumed by a module that is characterized under the .SYSTEM pseudo-module and does not appear in one of the above categories. Examples of this would be .COMMON and .NUCLEUS pseudo-sections.
.AVERAGE_USER_CPU_TIME The average CPU time consumed by all the user modules.  These modules appear under the .USER pseudo-module. This is typically CPU consumed by the user’s application code but can include CPU to system modules that cannot be characterized by one of the above columns.