DFHZCX is the locate ISC/IRC request module.

DFHZCX is a load module created when the following modules are link-edited together:

  • DFHZABD, abend routine for invalid requests

  • DFHZAND, build TACB before issuing PC abends

  • DFHZCNR, system console application request program

  • DFHZIS1, CTYPE requests

  • DFHZIS2, IRC requests

  • DFHZLOC, locating TCTTE and ATI request

  • DFHZTSP, terminal sharing

Reference Sources

CICS/ESA Version 3.1.1, Diagnosis Reference, LY33-6072-0, June 1990.

CICS Version 1.7, Diagnosis Reference, LC33-0105-2, July 1987.