DFSLRH00 is the DL/I Lock Request Handler. It processes IMS Program Isolation (PI) locks. These are usually locks on database resources so that multiple dependent regions can update the same database at the same time.

DFSLRH00 will set up the environment to obtain locks, free locks, and wait for locks. The caller determines what resource to lock on, and whether or not to wait if it is not available. The actual locking is done by module DFSFXC10.

In a database block level sharing environment, or if the IRLM is being used for IMS local locking, the global lock manager DFSLMGR0 will be invoked.


IMS program isolation locking is extremely efficient. DFSLRH00 should not be a performance consideration. The IRLM lock manager is less efficient than program isolation locking in terms of storage used, CPU used, lock granularity, and deadlock detection. The IRLM should not be used for IMS local locking.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS DBSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.