
An environment references a connection and specifies additional details about how components should be executed. Environments are defined under Configuration > Environments, and only administrators can add and change them. Setting up environments is described in “Configuring Environments” in chapter “Configuring the Topaz for Total Test Repository Server” of the Compuware Web Products Installation and Configuration Guide.

The environment can be Batch or CICS.


The environment specifies the default Db2 subsystem ID and plan to use when executing a component that uses Db2. It also specifies how to call the component. In batch, the call interface can be "None" or "By Reference." In CICS, it can be "Call," "CICS Call," or "CICS Link," which are described below. For CICS, the APPLID also must be specified.


The target program is called by:

CALL USING [ arg1 ] [ arg2 ]...[ argx ]

This enables specification of EIB data [ arg1 ] and COMMAREA data [ arg2 ] to be passed in and to be asserted on return. Additional arguments, if any, are [ arg3 ] through [ argx ]. This also supports CICS NOLINKAGE programs that may be called using areas other than an EIB and COMMAREA for [ arg1 ] and [ arg2 ].


The target program is called by:

CALL USING DFHEIBLK [ arg2 ]...[ argx ]

This enables specification of COMMAREA data [ arg2 ] to be passed in and to be asserted on return. The unit test will be run with an assumed, default EIB [ arg1 ]. Additional arguments, if any, are [ arg3 ] through [ argx ].


The target program is called by:

EXEC CICS LINK with COMMAREA(<data structure>)

EXEC CICS LINK with CHANNEL(<channel name>)

This enables specification of COMMAREA data [ arg2 ] to be passed in and to be asserted on return. The unit test will be run with an assumed, default EIB [ arg1 ]. Additional arguments are not allowed.

Note:   An environment can only be deleted if no components are using it.