
The Approvals page supports ISPW lifecycle functions, such as Approval, with additional features often used to perform those functions.

To access the Approvals page, click ISPW on the Compuware products menu, then click Approvals. The current list of approvals will be displayed in a table in the Approvals tab. The list of tasks associated with an approval are displayed in a table on the Tasks tab.

Note: To use ISPW Web, you must log in to an active host connection. For more information, see the Compuware Enterprise Services Help topic "Host Connection Settings".

Approvals Table

The Approvals table contains a list of all Approvals in the ISPW system. Selecting an Approval by clicking it allows you to either view Tasks within that Set or perform an action on it. When mousing over or selecting an Approval, an icon appears on the far right of the row. Clicking it displays the information for the Set of the row you clicked on. To close the dialog, click the OK button at the bottom of the screen.

The columns on the Approvals table include:

  • Application ID: The application or system this container is associated with

  • Set ID: ISPW Set that the approval request was created for

  • Approver: The group or role a user is a part of to move modules through the life-cycle

  • Description: Taken from the Set description

  • Owner: The UserID of the person who created the container

  • Approval Status: Overall Status of the Approval

  • Execution Status: Status of the Set

  • Stream: Defines the level structure and other rules about the application definition

The buttons above the columns include:

  • Approve: To approve a specific Approval, select one from the table and click .

  • Deny: To deny a specific Approval, select one from the table and click .

  • Reset: To reset a specific Approval, select one from the table and click .

  • Show/Hide Columns: To show or hide columns to be displayed in the Approvals table, click . You are then presented with a dialog containing the list of columns that can be shown or hidden. At least one column must be selected to be shown.

  • Refresh: To refresh the contents of the Approvals table, click .

  • Export: To export the contents of the Approvals table, click . You are then presented with multiple options. You can mouse over each icon to find out what it does:

    • Copy to Clipboard: To copy, click .
    • Export as CSV: To export as CSV, click .
    • Export as Excel file: To export as an Excel file, click .
    • Export as PDF: To export as a PDF file, click .
    • Print: To print, click .
  • Set Filters: To filter the contents of the Tasks table, click , then enter the value you want to filter by. You are given the option to filter everything in the table or select specific columns to filter on. If you filter by a specific column, you are able to persist these filters by clicking the plus in the filter bar. Your search query will appear as a "pill"  below the toolbar. Only items containing this value will be displayed. To clear a single filter, click the x icon on the "pill". To clear the filter input field, click .

Click a column heading to sort the list of Approvals based on the values in that column. Click again to reverse the sort order.

Tasks Table

Select an Approval from the Approvals table, then click the Tasks tab. The Tasks table contains a list of all Tasks within a Set. When mousing over or selecting a Task, two icons appear on the far right of the row. Clicking displays the source contents of the Task, and clicking lets you view the generate listing for that Task.

The columns on the Tasks table include:

  • !: Displays a + if there is a note attached to the Task that you can click to view

  • Type: 4-character acronym that determines object treatment within ISPW

  • Name: Short object name or handle

  • Ext: External version number the user can set

  • Level: Module's current level in the change cycle

  • Op: Last update operation performed on this module

  • Action: Special action field, such as D to Delete module from production

  • User: UserID of the person performing the last update operation

  • AppId: Module's application code

  • Date: Date of the last update operation

  • Time: Time of the last update operation

  • Status: ISPW message area

  • Message: Message that is set internally by ISPW

  • iVer: The ISPW internal version number

  • bVer: The base version this specific component version is based on

  • rVer: The replace version this specific version may replace if it must be promoted over the top of another version

  • Env: Environment in which the Task exists. Also contains icons linked to Task Content and Task Listing .

Additional columns for the Tasks table include:

  • Path: The checkout path or signout level.

  • Class: CICS, IMS, and so on.

  • Version: The external (visible) version number or label that is assigned to this specific version as a "handle". Generally more meaningful than the internal version number.

  • Alternate Name: A working name assigned to this component via a RENAME request.

  • Set ID: ISPW Set that the approval request was created for.

  • Release: Release a component belongs to.

  • Assignment ID: Assignment container type that contains this component or task.

  • Stream: 2- to 8-character code that defines the application structure with which the application is associated.

  • Group: Component or task belonging to this Application owner group.

  • Program Type: Y = executable component, N = subroutine/non-executable component.

  • SQL: Y = contains SQL, N = No SQL.

  • IMS: Y = contains IMS, N = No IMS.

  • CICS: Y = contains CICS, N = No CICS.

  • Flags: Customizable field for the user's purpose.

  • Gen Parm: Customizable field that can be used to indicate generation information such as the way the component is generated via compile and link options or the name of a test job to run.

The buttons above the columns include:

  • Show/Hide Columns: To show or hide columns to be displayed in the Tasks table, click . You are then presented with a dialog containing the list of columns that can be shown or hidden. At least one column must be selected to be shown.

  • Refresh: To refresh the contents of the Tasks table, click .

  • Export: To export the contents of the Tasks table, click . You are then presented with multiple options. You can mouse over each icon to find out what it does:

    • Copy to Clipboard: To copy, click .
    • Export as CSV: To export as CSV, click .
    • Export as Excel file: To export as an Excel file, click .
    • Export as PDF: To export as a PDF file, click .
    • Print: To print, click .
  • Set Filters: To filter the contents of the Tasks table, click , then enter the value you want to filter by. You are given the option to filter everything in the table or select specific columns to filter on. If you filter by a specific column, you are able to persist these filters by clicking the plus in the filter bar. Your search query will appear as a "pill"  below the toolbar. Only items containing this value will be displayed. To clear a single filter, click the x icon on the "pill". To clear the filter input field, click .

Click a column heading to sort the list of Tasks based on the values in that column. Click again to reverse the sort order.