Specialty Processor

The Specialty Processor report identifies the percentage of time the application spent consumed by tasks executing in the measured job step. It also identifies the percentage of time spent on the zIIP and the zAAP processors. The Specialty Processor report can only be accessed through the Measurement Session Data (MSD) report.

Report details

Processor Time

  • Processor Time identifies the time (in seconds) the application spent in CPU.


  • Number of zIIPs identifies the number of zIIP processors configured.

  • Enclave Time On zIIP identifies the time spent on the SUP/zIIP (normalized).

  • Enclave Time On CP identifies the amount of enclave time spent on the general processor.


  • Number of zAAPs identifies the number of zAAP processors configured.

  • Time On zAAP identifies the time spent on the zAAP (normalized).

  • zAAP Time On CP identifies the zAAP eligible time that was spent on the CP.


Related Topics:

Measurement Session Data