
The Preferences window provides options for customizing the way you use iStrobe. Make any changes to a preference setting, and then click Apply.


  • Initial viewing allows you to set the default report when first viewing a profile. You can choose to view either a Strobe Advisor report or a Measurement Session Data (MSD) report. If the Strobe Advisor report does not exist, then the MSD report is displayed.

  • Date range specifies a default date range for displaying Strobe Insight reports. The default value is Today. The Session value, when selected, uses From/Through (Start/End) date values between each Insight Report while in the web session.


  • Degradation % specifies the default value to be used in Insight Reports where benchmarks are available. Red highlights are displayed when the selected fields differ from the calculated benchmark by the Degradation Percentage value.

  • Improvement % specifies the default value to be used in Insight Reports where benchmarks are available. Green highlights are displayed when the selected fields differ from the calculated benchmark by the Improvement Percentage value.

CICS Transactions

  • Allows the user to either Include or Exclude the display of CICS transactions supplied by IBM® or user-specified transactions entered in iStrobe Administration>Report Configuration. Note that the Profile report summary counts will still reflect all transaction counts.

Mainframe Preferences

Mainframe preferences require a host connection. Click to access the logon dialog and establish a host connection.

  • Notification e-mail address specifies the email address to use for sending a notice when a profile is created.

  • Mainframe code page specifies the code page to use for creating report profiles for the specified LPAR and environment (if present). Unless you change this setting, iStrobe will use your mainframe installation default setting.

  • Environment is only displayed and available when both test and production environments of Strobe are installed on the LPAR.

  • Jobcard specifies the job card and the job control statement to use when creating a report profile for the specified LPAR and environment (if present).