SVC 006

SVC 006 is a Type 2 SVC issued by the LINK macro. This macro get LOCAL and CMS lock and calls program IGC006 in the load module CSVLINK.

LINK obtains a usable copy of a requested program and builds the control blocks needed by the dispatcher to transfer control to the program. Control returns to the issuer of the LINK macro after the requested program executes.


High processing or wait in SVC 006 might indicate that repetitive dynamic calling is taking place. Use the attribution reports to find the location in the program where the link is issued. If this is an assembler program, see if there is a more efficient way of calling the subprogram, such as using a LOAD and then a BALR.

Reference Sources

IBM z/OS MVS Diagnosis Reference

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Assembler Services Guide

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Assembler Services Reference Vol. 2