iStrobe Usage Tips

Problems viewing Profiles

If a Profile does not contain the data you expected, ensure that:

  • You are viewing the correct Profile. See the Profile list or the Measurement Session Data report for identifying information.

  • The Profile was created with the correct options. See the Measurement Session Data report and check the measurement and report parameters. Recreate the iStrobe data file if necessary.

  • Your threshold is set correctly. If the threshold is set too high, iStrobe may be suppressing your data. If your reports are confusing because they contain too many entries, the threshold may be too low. Try changing the Threshold option.

Problem printing reports

For best results when printing reports, try adjusting printer properties such as page orientation and image scaling. Landscape mode will generally provide the best printed output. To help you distinguish report data from column headings, turn on background printing (Microsoft Internet Explorer only). To do so, from the Tools menu, select Internet Options and click the Advanced tab. Scroll down to Printing and select Print background color images (Microsoft Internet Explorer only).

General usage comments and suggestions

  • When you use your browser's refresh function, iStrobe returns to the opening page you specified in your iStrobe preferences.

  • When you expand data on an iStrobe page, that view of the data will not be retained when you leave that page. When you return to that report or Profile list, iStrobe displays the initial view again.

  • If your report preferences are not being retained, ensure that cookies are enabled in your browser.

  • Additional usage suggestions and answers to common questions may be available on Compuware's FrontLine customer support Web site.