The program request handler invokes DFSZDC00, the GSAM Controller, for any call to a GSAM PCB, for calls such as CHKP that might involve GSAM processing, and for other situations that require GSAM processing, such as a region termination.

DFSZDC00 analyzes the call parameters, values fields in various GSAM control blocks, and then calls the appropriate GSAM action module.


You pay an overall performance penalty for using GSAM for file I/O rather than standard program I/O routines. The GSAM code creates extra CPU overhead, and for OS files, using BSAM instead of QSAM creates overhead. The benefits of using GSAM are the checkpoint/restart support it provides for these files. If you are not using the checkpoint/restart support, do not use GSAM.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS SVSOURCE Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.