Jobstep Performance

The Jobstep Performance report identifies processor and CPU times, as well as the I/O counts, used by the jobstep.

Report details

  • Start Time identifies the time the jobstep started.

  • LPAR identifies the system that the jobstep ran.

  • Elapsed Time identifies the total time (hh:mm:ss.nnn) that the jobstep ran.

  • CPU Time identifies the standard CPU stop time (hh:mm:ss.nnn) that the jobstep ran.

  • SRB Time identifies the total CPU time (hh:mm:ss.nnn) the jobstep spent running in SRB mode.

  • Time on zIIP identifies time the jobstep spent on zIIP (hh:mm:ss.nnn).

  • Time on zAAP identifies time the jobstep spent on zAAP (hh:mm:ss.nnn).

  • zIIP Time on CP identifies the amount of time (hh:mm:ss.nnn) that zIIP eligible work for the jobstep spent on a CP instead of on a zIIP.

  • zAAP Time on CP identifies the amount of time (hh:mm:ss.nnn) that zAAP eligible work for the jobstep spent on a CP instead of on a zAAP.

  • EXCP Count identifies the number of I/O or EXCP performed by the jobstep.