Load module DFSDLD00 contains the programs to perform database segment replace and delete functions. It is composed of four source modules.

  • Module DFSDLDC0 is the driver module for the delete/replace functions. It performs validation and environment initialization, and then calls the other action modules. It also interfaces with other routines such as the buffer handler, space management, locking, and the user segment edit/compression routine.

  •   Module DFSDLDD0 is the DL/I delete action module. It processes both physical and logical deletes.

  •    Module DFSDLDR0 is the DL/I replace action module. It handles all replace processing, including logical relationships, path calls, and field level sensitivity.

  •    Module DFSDLDW0 performs various subroutines for the delete function.


DFSDLD00 can use a significant amount of CPU, which does not necessarily mean there is a performance problem. If the main function of the job or transaction is updating or deleting many IMS segments, DFSDLD00 may use a considerable amount of CPU.

DFSDLD00 is divided into several modules and many subroutines. If CPU use appears to be excessive, recreate the Performance Profile and specify Detail for this module. The IMS systems programmer should assemble this module and determine which subroutine is using the CPU.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS DBSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.