Using the Measurements Page

Topaz for Java Performance's Measurements page is used to view, submit, and manage measurements and shows the following:

  • Measurements that have been performed

  • Active measurements

  • Startup measurement requests

  • Scheduled measurement requests

  • Java applications that have a Topaz for Java Performance agent configured

  • Disconnected agents

The Measurements page is used to do the following:

  • Submit any of the three types of measurement requests:

  • An immediate measurement request

  • A startup measurement request, which will run when the selected agent starts up

  • A scheduled measurement request, which will run at the specified date, time, and recurrence

  • Stop running a measurement request

  • View a measurement

  • Delete a measurement

  • Delete an agent

  • Change the columns displayed

Only one measurement can run at a time on a given JVM.

To access the Measurements page

From the Topaz for Java Performance landing page, do one of the following:

  • Click .

  • Click and then select Measurements.

The Measurements page appears.

To use filtering on the Measurements page

To filter the measurements and agents that appear on the Measurements page, do any of the following in the Filter field:

  • Enter one or more values separated by a space. For example, enter "CPU JZOS" to return only the rows that contain both "CPU" and "JZOS".

  • Enter "Measurement" to return only rows with the status of Measurement.  If desired, add the agent name to return only rows with the status of Measurement on a given agent.

  • Enter "Disconnected" to return only rows with the status of Disconnected. If desired, add the agent name to return only rows with the status of Disconnected on a given agent.

  • Enter "Waiting" to return only rows with the status of Waiting. If desired, add the agent name to return only rows with the status of Waiting on a given agent.

  • Enter "Queued" to return only rows with the status of Queued. If desired, add the agent name to return only rows with the status of Queued on a given agent.

The Measurements page displays only the rows on which the entered characters appear in any column.

Note: Topaz for Java Performance allows agent installers to use custom naming conventions for agents. End users need to know the convention used so they recognize the agent on the Measurements page. If you don't recognize the agent to use, it may be that the person who performed the agent installation chose to use a custom naming convention for the agent. Ask the installer for the name that was used.

To submit an immediate measurement request

  1. On the Measurements page, right-click an agent and select Measurement Request>Submit Immediate Request. The Immediate Measurement Request dialog box appears.

    Note: If the agent is in Active status, Submit Immediate Request will be disabled and another measurement cannot be requested until the agent returns to Waiting status.

  2. In the Measurement report name field, enter a name for the report.

  3. In the Estimated measurement time (minutes) field, use the arrows to choose the desired length of time for the measurement to run.

  4. In the Number of samples field, use the arrows to indicate the number of performance samples to be taken within the measurement time specified.

    Note: The maximum number of samples per minute is 200.

  5. Optionally, in the Notification e-mail address field, enter an email address to be sent notification when the measurement has completed.

  6. Optionally, select the Overwrite existing measurement report check box to overwrite any existing measurement report that has the same name.

  7. Optionally, click Thresholds to open the Thresholds dialog box to set minimum and maximum thresholds for the charts on the JVM Information page. Select the check boxes for the thresholds to be set (CPU %, Heap, Classes, or Threads), enter the desired minimum and maximum values, and click OK. If a threshold is set, the affected charts will display a shaded bar indicating the measurements that fell within the threshold's minimum and maximum values.

  8. Click Submit. The Measurement page shows the status of the agent is Running and the measurement runs.

  9. When the measurement time requested has elapsed, click the browser's Refresh button or F5. If the measurement has completed, the agent's status returns to Waiting and a new Measurement entry with column details appears for the measurement that ran. From here, users can view the measurement and Java performance reports.


  • Topaz for Java Performance allows agent installers to use custom naming conventions for agents. End users need to know the convention used so they recognize the agent on the Measurements page. If you don't recognize the agent to use, it may be that the person who performed the agent installation chose to use a custom naming convention for the agent. Ask the installer for the name that was used.

  • At any time, click Reset to reset the fields to their default values.

  • It is not necessary to wait until the agent finishes running before submitting a measurement request for another agent. Further, startup measurement requests and scheduled measurement requests can be submitted for the original agent while it is running a request.

To submit a startup measurement request

  1. On the Measurements page, right-click an agent and select Measurement Request>Submit Startup Request. The Startup Measurement Request dialog box appears.

  2. In the Measurement report name field, enter a name for the report.

  3. In the Estimated measurement time (minutes) field, use the arrows to choose the desired length of time for the measurement to run.

  4. In the Number of samples field, use the arrows to indicate the number of performance samples to be taken within the measurement time specified.

    Note: The maximum number of samples per minute is 200.

  5. Optionally, in the Notification e-mail address field, enter an email address to be sent notification when the measurement has completed.

  6. Optionally, select the Overwrite existing measurement report check box to overwrite any existing measurement report that has the same name.

  7. Optionally, click Thresholds to open the Thresholds dialog box to set minimum and maximum thresholds for the charts on the JVM Information page. Select the check boxes for the thresholds to be set (CPU %, Heap, Classes, or Threads), enter the desired minimum and maximum values, and click OK. If a threshold is set, the affected charts will display a shaded bar indicating the measurements that fell within the threshold's minimum and maximum values.

  8. Click Submit. The Measurement page shows the status of the agent is Queued.

  9. The next time the selected agent starts up, the status of the agent changes to Running and the measurement runs.

  10. When the measurement time requested has elapsed, click the browser's Refresh button or F5. If the measurement has completed, the agent's status changes to Waiting and a new Measurement entry with column details appears for the measurement that ran. From here, users can view the measurement and Java performance reports.


  • Topaz for Java Performance allows agent installers to use custom naming conventions for agents. End users need to know the convention used so they recognize the agent on the Measurements page. If you don't recognize the agent to use, it may be that the person who performed the agent installation chose to use a custom naming convention for the agent. Ask the installer for the name that was used.

  • At any time, click Reset to reset the fields to their default values.

  • It is not necessary to wait until the agent finishes running before submitting a measurement request for another agent. Further, startup measurement requests and scheduled measurement requests can be submitted for the original agent while it is running a request.

To submit a scheduled measurement request

  1. On the Measurements page, right-click an agent and select Measurement Request>Submit Scheduled Request. The Scheduled Measurement Request dialog box appears.

  2. In the Measurement report name field, enter a name for the report.

  3. In the Estimated measurement time (minutes) field, use the arrows to choose the desired length of time for the measurement to run.

  4. In the Number of samples field, use the arrows to indicate the number of performance samples to be taken within the measurement time specified.

    Note: The maximum number of samples per minute is 200.

  5. Optionally, in the Notification e-mail address field, enter an email address to be sent notification when the measurement has completed.

  6. Optionally, select the Overwrite existing measurement report check box to overwrite any existing measurement report that has the same name.

  7. Optionally, click Thresholds to open the Thresholds dialog box to set minimum and maximum thresholds for the charts on the JVM Information page. Select the check boxes for the thresholds to be set (CPU %, Heap, Classes, or Threads), enter the desired minimum and maximum values, and click OK. If a threshold is set, the affected charts will display a shaded bar indicating the measurements that fell within the threshold's minimum and maximum values.

  8. Use the Starting times calendar to select the day(s) and time(s) for the measurement to begin. If the Agent, Manager, and web browser interface are in different time zones, the measurement needs to be scheduled based on the time zone of the Manager.

  9. Set the Starting date and Ending date fields to reflect the desired start and end dates for the measurement. For a one-time measurement, set the start and end dates to the same date. For a recurring measurement, set the start and end dates accordingly.

  10. Click Submit. The Measurement page shows the status of the agent is Scheduled.

  11. At the scheduled date and time, the status of the agent changes to Running and the measurement runs. If, at that time, the agent is running another measurement, the scheduled measurement will not run.

  12. When the measurement time requested has elapsed, click the browser's Refresh button or F5. If the measurement has completed, the agent's status changes to Waiting and a new Measurement entry with column details appears for the measurement that ran. From here, users can view the measurement and Java performance reports.


  • Topaz for Java Performance allows agent installers to use custom naming conventions for agents. End users need to know the convention used so they recognize the agent on the Measurements page. If you don't recognize the agent to use, it may be that the person who performed the agent installation chose to use a custom naming convention for the agent. Ask the installer for the name that was used.

  • At any time, click Reset to reset the fields to their default values.

  • It is not necessary to wait until the agent finishes running before submitting a measurement request for another agent. Further, startup measurement requests and scheduled measurement requests can be submitted for the original agent while it is running a request.

To edit a scheduled measurement request

  1. On the Measurements page, right-click the agent with the scheduled measurement request and select Measurement Request>Edit Scheduled Request. The Scheduled Measurement Request dialog box appears.

  2. Make any desired changes to the measurement request.

  3. Click Submit. The Measurement page updates to reflect the changes made to the request.

Note: Each agent can have only one scheduled measurement request.

To stop running a measurement request

On the Measurements page, right-click the agent and select Measurement Request> Stop Request. The measurement request is cancelled.


  • Topaz for Java Performance allows agent installers to use custom naming conventions for agents. End users need to know the convention used so they recognize the agent on the Measurements page. If you don't recognize the agent to use, it may be that the person who performed the agent installation chose to use a custom naming convention for the agent. Ask the installer for the name that was used.

  • The measurement can only be stopped when its status is Running.

To view a measurement

On the Measurements page, right-click the measurement and select one of the following:

  • To view the measurement in the same window, select View Measurement. The measurement appears in the same window.

  • To view the measurement in a separate window, select View Measurement in New Tab. The measurement appears in a separate tab.

Note: Topaz for Java Performance allows agent installers to use custom naming conventions for agents. End users need to know the convention used so they recognize the agent on the Measurements page. If you don't recognize the agent to use, it may be that the person who performed the agent installation chose to use a custom naming convention for the agent. Ask the installer for the name that was used.

To import a measurement into another instance of Topaz for Java Performance

  1. Copy the .bin file for the measurement to be imported (named <measurementname.bin> by default and located in C:\ProgramData\Compuware\CES\data\cjp\reports by default). The .bin file is the measurement file collected from the mainframe agent.

  2. Paste the file into the corresponding location for the second instance of Topaz for Java Performance.

  3. Restart Compuware Enterprise Services.

  4. Restart the Manager. The .bin file is processed and the measurement appears on the Measurements page.


  • Topaz for Java Performance allows agent installers to use custom naming conventions for agents. End users need to know the convention used so they recognize the agent on the Measurements page. If you don't recognize the agent to use, it may be that the person who performed the agent installation chose to use a custom naming convention for the agent. Ask the installer for the name that was used.

  • A folder name cannot exist in the target location with the same name as the .bin file. (For example, XFSRO11S.bin to cannot be imported in the target location if a folder XFSRO11S already exists in the target location.)

To delete a measurement

On the Measurements page, right-click the measurement and select one of the following:

  • To delete the files stored on disk both locally and from the database, select Delete>Measurement>With Database. The files are deleted both locally and from the database and are not used in trend reporting.

  • To delete the files stored on disk locally but not from the database, select Delete>Measurement>Without Database. The files are deleted locally but remain in the database for use in trend reporting.

Note: Topaz for Java Performance allows agent installers to use custom naming conventions for agents. End users need to know the convention used so they recognize the agent on the Measurements page. If you don't recognize the agent to use, it may be that the person who performed the agent installation chose to use a custom naming convention for the agent. Ask the installer for the name that was used.

To delete an agent

On the Measurements page, right-click the agent and select Delete>Agent. The agent is deleted both locally and from the database.


  • Topaz for Java Performance allows agent installers to use custom naming conventions for agents. End users need to know the convention used so they recognize the agent on the Measurements page. If you don't recognize the agent to use, it may be that the person who performed the agent installation chose to use a custom naming convention for the agent. Ask the installer for the name that was used.

  • A disconnected agent is the only agent that can be deleted.

To change the columns displayed

  1. On the Measurements page, right-click the agent and select View Columns. The Select Columns dialog box appears.

  2. Use the check boxes and the Select All, Deselect All, and Reset buttons to select the columns to be displayed in the Measurements page.

  3. Click OK. The Measurements page refreshes to show only the selected columns.

By default, all available columns display, however only Measurement Name and Agent Name are required columns. The following columns are available:

  • Status: The status of the agent or measurement. Possible values include the following:

    • Disconnected - The agent is not running.
    • Waiting - The agent is running but isn't taking a measurement.
    • Active - The agent is running and is actively taking a measurement.
    • Measurement - A successful measurement report.
    • Invalid - A measurement report that contains errors.
    • Queued - A measurement that is set to start when the selected agent starts up.
    • Registration Error - The agent couldn't successfully register due to an error.
    • Scheduled - A measurement that is schedule to start at a specific date and time.
  • Measurement Name: The name of the measurement report.

  • Initiated By: The product that initiated the measurement. Possible values include the following:

    • Strobe - The measurement was initiated from a Strobe measurement request.
    • Topaz for Java Performance - The measurement was initiated from a Topaz for Java Performance measurement request.
  • Agent Name: The name of the agent that was used to create a measurement report or, for non-measurement rows, the name of the agent.

  • Job Name: The name of the job being measured.

  • System Name: The name of the system on which the measurement is run.

  • LPAR: The LPAR on which the measurement is run.

  • Step Name: The name of the step that is executing when the measurement is run.

  • Program Name: The name of the program that is running when the measurement is run.

  • Average CPU Time (ms): The average time the CPU used, in milliseconds, while the measurement was run.

  • Maximum CPU Time (ms): The maximum time the CPU used, in milliseconds, while the measurement was run.

  • Average Heap (Mb): The average heap, in megabytes, that was used while the measurement was run.

  • Maximum Heap (Mb): The maximum heap, in megabytes, that was used while the measurement was run.

  • Average Thread Count: The average number of threads that were live while the measurement was run.

  • Maximum Thread Count: The maximum number of threads that were live while the measurement was run.

  • Start Time: The date and time for when the measurement was started.

  • Total Samples: The total number of samples that were taken for a measurement.

  • Duration (minutes): The length of time, in minutes, that the measurement ran.