Updating Reports

You can update a report view immediately or by specifying the frequency with which the report should be updated.

Immediate Update

After you make a change to any of the items on the parameters toolbar, the report is updated immediately. You can also click the Update Session Parameters icon () on the Management Reports toolbar.

Auto Update Interval

To set the update frequency that the report you are viewing should be updated:

  1. From the Fault Viewer, select Reports. The Edit Reports panel appears.

  2. Select a report from the Report Name column (check box or double-clicking).

  3. Click the Auto-Update Interval  icon () on the Report Toolbar. The Auto-Update Interval dialog box appears.

    Note iconNote: Initially, the text box next to the Auto-Update icon says Off. After you set the auto-update interval, a time appears in the box starting a count until the next update. The icon changes to a dot. Click the icon again to turn off auto update. To turn it on again, you have to reset it in the dialog box.

  4. Type a number in the Update every field to indicate how frequently you want updates to be performed automatically.

  5. Select either Minutes or Hours to correspond with the frequency number you typed.

  6. Click OK.

See Also

E-mail Report

Scheduled Reports