From an analysis of trace, you could have evidence that a CICS system task is in a wait state. You might have seen the task suspended on a SUSPEND call to the dispatcher, but with no corresponding RESUME call. Alternatively, by looking at the dispatcher task summary in a formatted CICS system dump, you might see that a CICS system task is waiting.

Note: You cannot get online information about waiting system tasks from CEMT INQ TASK or EXEC CICS INQUIRE TASK.

If a system task is in a wait state, and there is a system error preventing it from resuming, contact your IBM Support Center. However, do not assume that there is a system error unless you have other evidence that the system is malfunctioning. Other possibilities are:

  • Some system tasks are intended to wait for long periods while they wait for work to do. Module DFHSMSY of storage manager domain, for example, can stay suspended for minutes, or even hours, in normal operation. Its purpose is to clean up storage when significant changes occur in the amount being used, and that might happen only infrequently in a production system running well within its planned capacity.

  • System tasks perform many I/O operations, and they are subject to constraints like string availability and volume and data set locking. In the case of tape volumes, the tasks can also be dependent on operator action while new volumes are mounted.

If, in addition to the waiting system task, you think you have enough evidence that shows there is a system error, contact your IBM Support Center.