SS??XO is a Syncsort module. The two question marks represent the release number.

Syncsort is designed to conserve system resources, provide significant performance benefits, and operated efficiently in both virtual and non-virtual environments.


For general purposes, you need not be concerned with precise SORTWK space allocations. However, allocating SORTWK space in cylinders, rather than blocks or tracks, will usually yield optimal performance.

The message WER124I appears when primary storage is underallocated or overallocated. This lets you maintain a finely tuned sort execution, and to improve intermediate storage allocation for future runs.

The message reports an allocation factor that divides the primary storage allocated by the number of storage units actually used. For example, if you allocated 100 tracks and used 65 tracks, the allocation factor would be 100/65 or roughly 1.5. A sort is considered to be finely tuned when the allocation is between 1.00 and 1.50.

If the message indicates that you have overallocated primary storage, you should decrease primary storage. If it indicates an underallocation of primary storage, increase primary storage.

Reference Sources

SyncSort OS, Release 3.0, Programmer's Guide, SI-0101-3X.

Datapro Reports on Software, McGraw-Hill, Incorporated, Utilities, October 1990.