New Measurement

To create a measurement, complete all appropriate fields within the Target, Sampling, and Reporting sections.


Section for selecting the process and when to measure.

Measurement Start

Select the state of the process.

  • Active indicates the process is currently running.

  • Next Run allows you to measure the next execution of the specified job by one of the following filtering options. Filtering lists can be populated by either typing in the text box (including a comma delimiter) or by using the add list dialog.

All programs and steps - Selected by default.

Step names
- This is an alpha numeric field with a maximum capacity of eight characters. Valid characters include A-Z, a-z, 0-9, @, $, #.

Step numbers - A numeric field, but entering a number range or hyphen delimited is allowed.

Transaction name - The transaction name indicates to Strobe to submit a measurement request, but wait to measure until the CICS transaction name becomes active. This will then preselect the sampling for Collect CICS region and detail data with sub selection Region data turned on. This is also known as a Queued CICS Transaction.

Programs - This is an alpha numeric field with a maximum capacity of eight characters. Valid characters include A-Z, a-z, 0-9, @, $, #.

  • Schedule - Allows you to specify a schedule to measure a process.

Process State - This is visible only when you have chosen to schedule a measurement (above). It allows you to select a process that is already running.

Schedule - This is visible o-51.04nly when selecting Measurement Start of Schedule.

- Start Time - Date and time specified.

Strobe Environment

Subsection to select the process to be measured.

System - Provided by Strobe after connecting. The target system is selectable through the drop down menu. To select "All", click the  Measure Later check box.

  • LPAR - The partition where the process is to be measured.

  • Process type - Allows you to filter jobs or processes to be measured by type.

Jobs - specifies z/OS job names.

z/OS UNIX - specifies z/OS UNIX process names.

CICSPlex - specifies CICSPlex names, otherwise known as a group of CICS regions. When this is selected, the collector setting in the CICS/IMS section must be set to Collect CICS region and detail data.

If the Process Type field is set to CICSPlex, then you can further specify regions to be included in the measurement. Do this from the Active Jobs and Processes window by clicking the search icon next to the desired CICSPlex job name. If you do not search for and specify regions, then all regions are included in the measurement.

The CICSPlex Regions window appears and you can select either specific regions or all regions using the appropriate check boxes. You must select at least two regions.

You can also filter the regions using the LPAR field or Region Name field. The only valid wildcard character that can be used with filtering is an asterisk (*).

dynaTrace - specifies dynaTrace agent names.

Started Tasks
- specifies those tasks which have been started.

TSO Sessions - specifies active TSO sessions.

  • Environment - If visible, there are multiple instances of Strobe installed.

  • Job/Process - Specifies the job or process to be measured. Click the search icon within the field. The Active Jobs and Processes window appears. Select a job or process to measure and click OK.


Section to specify sampling criteria.

Sampling Method

  • Measurement Duration (Minutes) -- Determines the duration of the session being measured. Choose minutes up to 1,440.

  • Number of Samples -- Determines the number of samples to take during the session being measured. Choose from 1,000 to 150,000 samples.

  • Number of Sessions -- Determines the number of sessions to measure. Choose from 1 to 99.

  • Final Session Action -- Choose to Quit, Stop, or Continue.

  • When measuring an Active job, the default for the Final Session Action is set to "Quit".

  • When measuring a Next Run job, or when setting a Scheduled measurement of a job, default for the Final Session Action is set to "Continue". The only exception is when a Transaction Name is being measured.  In that case, the default is set to "Quit" and it is locked to avoid runaway measurements.

  • Topaz for Java Sampling - This feature is enabled in iStrobe only when Topaz for Java Performance is licensed. By default, the feature is off. There is no need for it to be on if Java is not present.

    With this feature turned on, Strobe is able to communicate with Topaz for Java Performance to initiate a Topaz for Java Performance measurement using the same sampling rate as the Strobe measurement.

    With this feature turned off, Java information will not collected. You will only get a Strobe measurement.


Sampling Dataset Prefix Override - A dataset qualifier that will be used for the High Level Qualifier (HLQ).

CICS/IMS allows you to collect IMS or CICS data.

  • None - No extra collection.

  • IMS
    Collect IMS information - allows you to collect IMS information. Select at least one of the following:

- IMS DLI service times and counts.

- Transaction Profiling. Selecting this will require more resources during the measurement.

  • CICS
    You may select from the following settings:

    • Collect CICS performance or terminal data
      The CICS Performance Supplement provides CICS-specific reports showing time distribution of transaction activity, transaction activity, network activity, I/O activity, configuration parameters, and system-wide statistics.

      Set the switch to On to activate the following:

- Collect terminal activity data
- Produce performance supplement

    • Collect CICS region and detail data

      Set the switch to On to activate the following:

- Region data Setting this will collect region data in your profile. You can also specify regions.
- Detail data Setting this will collect detail data in your profile. This will require more resources during the measurement.

Filter on one of the following:

- Transaction names - Length is limited to 4 characters.
  Valid characters include A-Z, a-z, 0-9, @, $, #, *, |, _, %, &, ?, !, ", -, ., <, >.

- Terminal names - Length is limited to 4 characters.
  Valid characters include A-Z, a-z, 0-9, @, $, #, *, |, _, %, &, ?, !, ", -, ., <, >.

- User names - Length is limited to 8 characters.
  Valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, @, $, #, *.


  • Db2 report type - Identifies the report type. Select SQL Activity Detail, SQL Activity Summary, both, or none.

  • Override DDF requesters - Check Override default DDF requesters  to enable the DDF requester table. The default settings are overridden with the form settings. The Primary requester is required but the Secondary requester is optional and can be deselected.

  • Collect Db2 Predicate Data - Check Literals (Dynamic SQL) to enable the ability to display the content of literals in the SQL statement text of a profile report. By default, this check box is not selected and its selection will not be saved from session to session. This measurement function is only available when Strobe is set up to collect this.

  • SQL filters - SQL Filter options include None, Strobe auto-filter, DDF, and Local.

    Local filter option enables listing for plan name, authorization IDs, and correlation IDs.

    DDF filter option enables listing for authorization IDs, correlation IDs, location IDs,  user IDs,  transaction IDs, and  workstation IDs.

    Valid ID characters are A-Z,a-z,0-9,@,$,# .

    Any list can be no longer than 8 entries but  there can be only one list at  time, the other filters can have only one entry.

MQ Series

  • MQ Series user module name - Limited to eight characters.


  • None - Selected by default, ADABAS data collection does not occur.

  • ADABAS - With this selected, allows for the collection of ADABAS activity.

  • ADABAS languages Select one of the two languages--either ADA3GL or Natural.

User Data Collectors

Use Collectors allows you to include user-defined data collectors created in the Strobe environment. When switched on, enter the names of up to four data collectors in the Collectors text box field. Refer to Strobe documentation for details on creating and deploying User Data Collectors.


Section for specifying reporting criteria.

Profile Report

Profile Report Name - Create an alpha numeric profile name that is 1 to 12 characters with valid characters of A-Z, a-z, 0-9, @, $, #.  It must not include spaces. Some sites may be limited to 8 characters. When you open iStrobe and open the Performance Profile, Name will be the default name by which iStrobe refers to the Profile. If this field is left blank, it will default to the name of the job being measured.

Profile Report Folder - Places the profile into a logical folder that displays in myStrobe. You can place the profile in an existing folder or create a new folder.

Folder naming is not case sensitive. Therefore, if the new folder name entered already exists with different capitalization, the profile will be placed in the existing folder. The new folder will not be created.

For example, you will be unsuccessful at creating a folder named folderexmp if you have an existing folder named FolderExmp. The profile will be placed in the existing folder.

Profile Report Tags - Create an alpha-numeric profile tag that is 0 to 50 characters.

Profile Output Options

Overwrite existing profile - When switched to On, this option suppresses the automatic incrementing of profiles and will overwrite a pre-existing profile of the same name. Applies to the Name field.

Create profile automatically - Selected and active by default. When switched to Off, this option will make the measurement request a measure only without creating a profile.

Notification e-mail address - This field is optional. The default value is derived from the iStrobe preferences setting.

SQL Analysis

SQL Analysis Feature (SQLAF) - Explain - When selected, this option enables the following four SQL Analysis report options, as well as those options in the SQL Statements to Process below.

  • Explain

  • Observations

  • Translation

  • Statistics

Db2 loadlib override - If there is not a Db2 SDSNLOAD Library in the LINKLIST on the LPAR, a Db2 SDSN LOAD Library dataset must be entered in this field.

Db2 subsystem ID - Alphanumeric from 1 to 8 characters.

For existing static explain data - Alphanumeric from 1 to 8 characters. If Existing Static SQL EXPLAIN data is populated, SQL Analysis will first search for Static SQL EXPLAIN data in the existing Db2 Explain tables created using this qualifier. If the field For existing static SQL EXPLAIN data is populated, SQL Analysis will first search for Static SQL EXPLAIN data in the existing Db2 Explain tables created using this qualifier. If the field is not populated or no EXPLAIN data can be found for the Static SQL statement, then a Dynamic EXPLAIN will take place using the value specified in For Dynamic EXPLAIN of SQL.

For dynamic explain of SQL - Alphanumeric from 1 to 8 characters. If Explain Table Creator/Owner for Dynamic EXPLAIN of SQL Statements is populated then SQL Analysis will use this value in a SET CURRENT SQLID statement, therefore the user executing the SQL Analysis must have the ability to use the specification (i.e. as a Primary or  Secondary Authorization id). If the field is not populated then the user ID executing the SQL Analysis will be used.  

Note: A set of Db2 Explain tables must exist, with either the specified panel value or if omitted the user ID executing the SQL Analysis.

Minimum CPU per statement - Decimal with a possible range of 0 to 99.9.  Default is set to 2.  Setting to 0 produces a warning message to increase (0 is 100%).

Top N CPU statements - Integer with a possible range of 10 to 99. Default is set to 10. Setting to 0 produces a warning message to increase (0 is All). A value less than 10 may be entered but Strobe Advisor will regard it as 10.

Minimum wait time per statement - Decimal with a possible range of 0 to 99.9.  Default is set to 2.

Top N wait time statements - Integer with a possible range of 1 to 20.  The default is set to 5.

Package name - Alphanumeric from 0 to 8 characters.

Source Support

  • Source/Execution module date-time match required This is selected when you want an exact date DDIO match.

  • Maintain source language support file list - Type a new DSN in the field and click + to add the DSN to the list. To delete a DSN from the list, select it and click X in the field.

  • Source language support file (up to seven) - To add a DSN to the Source language support file, select it from the maintenance file list and click the right arrow to move the file to the Source language support file.