If your task is waiting on resource type KC_ENQ, it is unconditionally enqueued on a single server resource that is currently unavailable. Typically, tasks are made to wait on KC_ENQ when they make certain types of file control request, if the file is already in use. These are the cases:

  • The waiting task has attempted to change the state of a file that is in use. Another task has already attempted to change the state of the same file, and is suspended on resource type FCFSWAIT. For more details, see FCFSWAIT.

  • The waiting task has attempted to update a record in a recoverable file while another task has the lock on it. The task owning the record lock retains it until it reaches the end of the current logical unit of work (syncpoint or end of task). For more details of record locking for VSAM files, see ENQUEUE.

If the wait on resource type KC_ENQ is prolonged:

  • More than one task might be enqueued on the resource, and the task you are investigating could be some way down the list. Check the programming logic of any of your programs accessing the resource, to see if it can be released more quickly. Consider whether you can include EXEC CICS DEQ commands.

  •  Another (long-running) task might have used the resource and finished with it, without issuing an EXEC CICS DEQ command or a DFHKC TYPE=DEQ macro call. The resource is made available automatically when the task terminates, but in the meantime, no other tasks are able to use it.

  • There might be a CICS system error. If you have considered the other possibilities and you think this is the most likely explanation, refer the problem to the IBM Support Center.