Strobe Insight Reports

Strobe Insight Reports are reports based on data gathered from Strobe measurements and are rendered using the Eclipse-based Business Intelligence and Reporting Tool (BIRT). Describing how to create BIRT reports is out of scope for this document, you can find more information about BIRT at the Eclipse website ( ). From the website, review the Design Tutorial.

Once created, reports are uploaded by clicking Add on the Insight report page. The user must provide a report name and browse to the report design file (file extension .rptdesign). You may optionally add a description.

The initial set of Strobe Insight Reports provided with iStrobe summarize Strobe measurements to help identify trends. That report set includes:

Jobs reports

The Jobs reports provide an overview of resource utilization for all measured jobs. There is a version with a breakout by step and also a version with breakouts by subsystem. Notice they all have links to the Job Trends. Job Trends plots the Execute, Wait, and CPU for the row the link was on. These reports were created using the Program CPU Usage views. The reports include:

  • Job Step Summary

  • Job Step Summary with CPU Breakout

  • Job Trends

  • Jobs with CPU Breakout

  • Measurement Details by Job

  • Measurement Details by Job Step

IMS reports

IMS reports provide an overview of IMS transactions and DL/I activity measurements that include IMS. These reports were created using the IMS Activity view. The reports include:

  • IMS DLI Summary by Transaction

  • IMS DLI Summary by Transaction and Module

DDF reports

DDF reports provide an overview of DDF Query performance and resource utilization for all DDF measurements. These reports were created using the DDF SQL Activity view. The reports include:

  • DDF Executing Statement Summary

  • DDF Measurements by Target Statement

  • DDF Package Summary

  • DDF Target Statement Summary

  • DDF Trend

CICS reports

CICS reports provide an overview of CICS performance and resource utilization for all CICS measurements. These reports were created using the CICS Service Time view. The reports include:

  • CICS Region Summary

  • CICS Region Trend

  • CICS Transaction Details

  • CICS Transaction Summary

  • CICS Transaction Trend

Db2 reports

Db2 reports provide an overview of DB2 Query performance and resource utilization for all DB2 measurements. These reports were created using the Db2 SQL Activity view. The reports include:

  • Db2 Job Summary

  • Db2 Measurements by Executing Statement

  • Db2 Package Summary

  • Db2 Statement Summary

  • Db2 Trend

  • SQLAF Reported Highly Accessed Db2 Tables

SMF reports

SMF reports provide an overview of reports related to the collection of information from SMF data (Job, Db2, and RMF). The reports include:

  • Batch Job Execution Summary

  • Top Db2 Bufferpool Analysis by Day--
    This report will default to the Top 10. The user can change the Top value in the report Parameters. The initial report will display the data sorted by Bufferpool Hit Ratio. Once the report is displayed, the user can then click a column to get the Top values for that column (i.e. I/O Rate, Page Requests, etc.). The Top value will not be available for Derby users.

  • Daily Db2 Lock Activity

  • Daily Db2 Storage Usage Summary

  • Daily Db2 System CPU Utilization

  • Daily Db2 Threshold and Negative Events

  • Top Db2 Bufferpool Analysis by Hour--
    This report will default to the Top 10. The user can change the Top value in the report Parameters. The initial report will display the data sorted by Bufferpool Hit Ratio. Once the report is displayed, the user can then click a column to get the Top values for that column (i.e. I/O Rate, Page Requests, etc.). The Top value will not be available for Derby users.

    • Db2 Buffer Pool Analysis
  • Hourly Db2 Lock Activity

    • Db2 Lock Activity
  • Hourly Db2 Storage Usage Summary

    • Db2 Storage Usage Summary
  • Hourly Db2 System CPU Utilization

    • Db2 System CPU Utilization
  • Hourly Db2 Threshold and Negative Events

    • Db2 Threshold and Negative Events
  • IBM OEM Programs Found

  • Job Step Frequency

  • Longest Running Job Steps

  • System CPU Utilization

  • System Utilization Detail
    • System Utilization Detail by Data
  • System Utilization Detail Group

  • System Utilization Summary

    • System Utilization Detail by Job
      • System Utilization Detail by Job Step
  • Top Batch Jobs by Elapsed Time

  • Top CPU Utilization Jobs

  • Top Job Steps by CPU Time

    • CPU Consumption of Job Step
  • Top CPU Usage

  • Top Jobs by EXCP Count

  • Top Programs by Invocation Count

  • Top Users by CPU Time

  • Total CPU Consumption

SQL Summary reports

SQL Summary reports provide an overview of reports related to the Db2 Analytics Accelerator performance and resource utilization. The reports include:

  • Buffer Pool Statistics

  • RDS Misc and Exception SQL Activity

  • RDS SQL Statement Analysis

  • SQL Resource Usage

Global Monitoring reports

Global Monitoring reports provide an overview of reports related to the collection of information from Strobe (CICS, IMS, and MSU data). The reports include:

  • CICS Region Utilization Summary

  • CICS Transaction Utilization Detail

  • CICS Transaction Utilization Summary

  • CICS Utilization Detail

  • IMS Region Utilization Summary

  • IMS Transaction Utilization Detail

  • IMS Transaction Utilization Summary

  • IMS Utilization Detail

  • Monthly Rolling 4-Hour Average MSU

  • Daily Rolling 4-Hour Average MSU

  • Hourly Rolling 4-Hour Average MSU

  • Rolling 4-Hour Average MSU

  • Periodic Rolling 4-Hour Average MSU

Custom reports

Custom reports provide an overview of reports imported by the customer.

Benchmarking is available for a select group of Strobe Insight Reports. This feature allows you to specify benchmark start and end dates to be used when comparing against your report start and end dates. The results illustrate the change between those dates.

Data Views

Data from the reports are based on views into the database. For details about the dimensions and metrics within each view, refer to the iStrobe Help section Working with Reports for the specific report.

  • CICS Service Time View provides information about all CICS transactions, the location, and amounts of service time.

  • Db2 SQL Activity View shows the distribution of CPU activity and wait among the queries, procedures, and Packages that invoked DB2 system services.

  • DDF SQL Activity View shows the distribution by Package of CPU and elapsed time used by SQL statements within a Package that ran in the DDF address space.

  • DDF SQL Activity Exec View shows the distribution by Package of CPU and elapsed time used by SQL statements for an executing statement within a Package that ran in the DDF address space.

  • DDF SQL Activity Target View shows the distribution by Package of CPU and elapsed time used by SQL statements for a target within a Package that ran in the DDF address space.

  • IMS Activity View uses data from the Activity by DL/I Request report.  This view contains metrics for CPU time and run time spent  by the transaction, module, section, and PSB name that initiated a request for IMS DL/I services.

  • Db2 Buffer Pool Stats View shows the buffer pool statistics for the Db2 Analytics Accelerator.

  • Db2 RDS Misc and Excp View shows the RDS EXCP data for the Db2 Analytics Accelerator.

  • Db2 SQL Statement Count View shows the SQL count data for the Db2 Analytics Accelerator.

  • Db2 Resource Usage View shows the usage data for the Db2 Analytics Accelerator.

  • Program CPU Usage View shows the distribution of CPU time used by each active control section of each module in the target program or subsystem.

  • Program CPU Usage by Subsystem View displays a pivot table with CPU broken out by sub-system of the Program CPU Usage data.

Archiving Strobe Insight Data Reports

Because of the potential for having a huge volume of data be collected by the iStrobe SMF Manager, iStrobe provides the ability to archive, restore (archived data only), and delete data from the iStrobe database. These functions can be done either manually or based on the age of the data.

For help with managing SMF data, refer to  SMF Data Management.