Working with the Repository

The Functional Test repository is the central place where all data related to components and tests are stored. Information about the components can be found and changed, test scenarios can be created and uploaded, test suites can be created, and the repository also contains information about schedules for executing tests. All information can be accessed and changed from the web client while only component information and stub data can be accessed from the Eclipse client.

Available Artifacts in the Repository

The following is a list of the available artifacts in the repository.





Information about source and runtime parameters as well as data interface. The information can be used to execute the component

Skin / Data

Input data for a component that is saved and optionally has a graphically skin to show only selected values

Skin - dataset

Input and expected output datasets for a main batch program

Component Stub

Result data from an execution of a component that can be used in other executions as stubs for stubbing sub modules.

Job definitions

JCL that can be submitted as a job directly from the repository


A connection defines the physical connection to the host and to a database that can be used with SQLSelect elements. The connection has a system user that is used when schedules are executed. Can only be created by administrators


An environment refers to a connection and specifies if it uses Batch or CICS. Can only be created by administrators

Publish provider

External web service that can be called by Functional Test to publish a result after an execution. Functional Test comes with build in providers and customers can add own web services as well.


A system specifies source and runtime parameters that are common to a group of components. A component can refer to a system to inherit its values

Test Scenario

A test scenario is an Functional Test Scenario that has been created from the web client from an executed component or uploaded from Eclipse


A Suite is a collection of scripts. It can only be created in the web browser


A schedule defines a reoccurring execution of a test scenario or a suite. It can be daily, weekly or based on a time interval

Report / Result

A report represents the execution result from a test scenario or suite. Each test scenario and suite has a history of reports so it is possible to go back in time to evaluate earlier results.