Global Monitoring

Global Monitoring in iStrobe allows you to define or update global monitoring criteria. This function is only available to users with the Strobe Administrator role. Select the Criteria tab to manage records. Select the Monitor tab to then monitor those processes being observed.


Criteria tab

From Global Monitoring you can add, edit, or delete a criteria record. You can also apply any changes you've made through iStrobe to an active MNAS by using the Refresh Criteria In MNAS button without having to issue the refresh command from the MVS console.

Add a Criteria record

  1. From the Global Monitoring window, click Add.

  2. In the Global Monitoring Criteria dialog box, complete the fields as appropriate:

  • Criteria Action: specifies the type of criteria being created

  • Include: Jobs matching criteria will be monitored.

  • Exclude: Jobs matching criteria will be excluded from monitoring. Exclude takes precedence over Include when two criteria exist with the same definition. They are considered the same if all fields, except thresholds, match.

  • Exclude Program: A specific program can be excluded from monitoring. When selecting this, only System and Program can be changes. All other fields are unavailable.

  • System: specifies the LPAR. An asterisk can be used as a wild card.

  • Job Type: specifies the job type:

  • Batch: Specified batch job will be monitored.

  • CICS: CICS transactions will be monitored for a specified job/CICS region.

  • IMS: IMS transactions will be monitored for a specified job/IMS region.

  • Program: Only used for the Exclude program. This specifies the program to be excluded.

  • Job Name: Specifies the job name. An asterisk can be used as a wildcard.

  • Step Name: Specifies the step name. An asterisk can be used as a wildcard.

  • Procstep Name: Specifies the procstep name. An asterisk can be used as a wildcard.

  • % CPU Time Threshold: This value will override the default threshold defined in Strobe. When left blank, the default Strobe value is used. Once the percentage of CPU Time surpasses the existing average by this percentage, an active and queued measurement will be triggered. This field is only used for an Include Criteria of a Batch job.

  • % Elapsed Time Threshold: This value will override the default threshold defined in Strobe. When left blank, the default Strobe value is used. Once the percentage of Elapsed Time surpasses the existing average by this percentage, an active and queued measurement will be triggered. This field is only used for an Include Criteria of a Batch job.

The Thresholds are set up as a Strobe parameter. If the thresholds are defined in iStrobe, these fields will override the Strobe parameters for the specific criteria entry.

Examples of Threshold Percentage Behavior:




 75, 75  Override CPU time  Override elapsed time
 0, 75  Uses GM_CPU THRESH  Override elapsed time
 75, 0  Override CPU time  Uses GM_ELAPSE_THRESH
 leave blank  Uses GM_CPU THRESH  Uses GM_ELAPSE_THRESH
 0, 0 Suspend measurement
  1. Click OK.

Edit a Criteria record

The only criteria records that can be edited are those with a Job Type of Batch.

  1. From the Global Monitoring window, select a criteria record by clicking on the row to highlight it.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. In the Global Monitoring Criteria dialog box, edit the field entries as appropriate.

  4. Click OK.

Delete a Criteria record

  1. From the Global Monitoring window, select a criteria record to delete by clicking on the row to highlight it.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. If you are sure you would like to delete the selected criteria record, click Yes. The record is deleted.

Refresh Criteria in MNAS

Clicking Refresh Criteria In MNAS will apply and refresh those changes made to this page (add, edit, delete) without having to issue the refresh command from the MVS console.
  1. Make any of the above changes to add, edit, or delete a criteria record.

  2. Click Refresh Criteria in MNAS to apply these changes to the Strobe global monitoring component.

  3. If the system is part of a Strobe for Sysplex, a toggle switch appears beneath the Refresh Criteria for MNAS button.

-- Clicking Refresh Criteria in MNAS with the toggle switched Off refreshes only that system to which you are connected.

-- Clicking Refresh Criteria in MNAS with the toggle switched On refreshes all systems defined within the Strobe for Sysplex for the criteria dataset name that matches on each Strobe system.


Monitor tab

The Monitor tab allows you to view those processes currently being observed.


Related Topics

Strobe Administration Overview

Global Monitoring Statistics