Creating Event Rules

Create a New Event Rule

  1. From the Fault Viewer, select  Administration.  The Administration panel appears.

  2. Select  the Rules icon. The Edit Rules panel appears.

  3. Click  New Event Rule button. The Rule Editor dialog box appears for the type of rule you selected.

  4. Type a name for your rule in the Name field.

  5. Select the Status using Active or Inactive toggle buttons. When a rule is set to Active, that rule is applied to incoming events. When a rule is set to Inactive, it is not used to process any fault events. You can set a rule to Inactive instead of deleting it, and as such, you can reuse that rule in the future by resetting it to Active.

  6. If you would like to set a threshold for the number of times within a period of time an event meeting the conditions, select the Apply actions if conditions are met check box, and specify the number of times period of time.

  7. When the threshold occurs from the previous step, specify a time in which to ignore any further occurrences.

  8. Choose a field and operator values for the conditions. See Event Processing Conditions for more instructions on choosing conditions for your rule.  

  9. Apply actions to your rule. See Event Processing Actions for more instructions on applying an action to your rule

  10. Click OK. The rule is applied to events as events are received from the mainframe and before they are stored in the database.

After you create an Event rule and click OK, it will be added to the list of rules on the Edit Rules dialog box. If rule usage statistics are turned on, Event rules and Duplicate rules list a true and false count on the Edit Rules dialog box.  Advanced Rules provide a link to the Advanced Rule Statistics dialog box. This dialog box lists the conditions and the true and false count.

See Also

Rules Overview

Duplicate Event Rule