CSFNCPRB is the IBM z/OS ICSF routine that initializes and manages the internal CPRB control block that is used throughout the IBM ICSF system.

It is called on the caller’s behalf to provide the CPRB data structure to the CRYPTO card.


Significant CPU time spent in CSFNCPRB indicates many calls to the CRYPTO processor and is usually accompanied by use of the PAUSE/RELEASE service and large wait times in IEAVEPS1.

In the case of ICSF (CSF prefix modules), the wait is usually for the CRYPTO processor.  Investigate all CSF modules for their usage to determine what type of CRYPTO service is being used.  There may be a queue of users for the CRYPTO processors, so wait times are variable and dependent on load of CRYPTO users, the speed of and the number of CRYPTO processors.

Refer to the ICSF documentation for more information.

Refer to the IEAVPSE (Pause Service) and IEAVRLS (Release Service) in the IBM Authorized Assembler Services Reference

Reference Sources

IBM z/OS ICSF documentation:

  • SA22-7520 IBM z/OS ICSF System Programmer’s Guide

  • SA22-7522 IBM z/OS ICSF Application Programmer’s Guide

IBM z/OS documentation:

  • SA22-7610 IBM z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, V2