Abend-AID Fault Analytics Components

Abend-AID Fault Analytics receives fault events from Compuware products that customers have deployed including Abend-AID and Abend-AID for CICS. It also processes events from other types of failures, such as JCL errors, programs that end with a non-zero return code and abends that were not handled by Abend-AID. Abend-AID Fault Analytics then exports the data to Compuware products or third-party products.

The following figure shows the event processing flow and how the different components are interrelated.

The Abend-AID Fault Analytics Viewer is used view management reports and perform rules and email configuration.

Other Fault Analytics components include:

  • Management Reports: A reporting tool that delivers reports from information in the Fault Manager database. A set of predefined reports enables you to quickly drill down from a system view to individual fault items. The reports can be viewed in a number of formats. You can create customized reports by building your own database queries.